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Recall -- State Press Release

PA Department of Health Warns Consumers of Tainted Raw Milk Sold by York County Dairy

Troy Thompson
(717) 787-1783

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE -- Harrisburg, PA -- March 2, 2007 -- State Health Secretary Dr. Calvin B. Johnson today advised consumers who purchased raw milk from Stump Acres Dairy of New Salem, York County, to immediately discard the raw milk due to the risk of contamination with salmonella.

Raw milk is milk that has not been pasteurized or homogenized.

“We are working very closely with the Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture to conduct local public health investigations,” Dr. Johnson said. “If you have any raw milk from Stump Acres Dairy at home, do not drink the milk and immediately discard it.”

Individuals who drank raw milk purchased from Stump Acres Dairy and became ill are advised to consult with their physician and are also urged to contact their local health department. If no illness occurred, it is not necessary to seek medical attention, but consumers should still discard the raw milk.

This consumer advisory is based on reports to the Department of Health about two confirmed cases and one probable case of Salmonella Typhimurium infection among York County residents who drank raw milk from Stump Acres Dairy in February. Additional cases of illness are suspected.

The Department of Agriculture has suspended sales of raw milk at the dairy and is ensuring that corrective action is taken and that multiple laboratory samples come back negative for Salmonella before raw milk sales can resume.

As part of the investigation, the Department of Agriculture obtained three positive milk cultures from the dairy. A milk sample obtained from consumers also tested positive at the Department of Health’s Bureau of Laboratories.

Stump Acres Dairy has a customer base of about 250 clients. The customers of the dairy are known to be from Pennsylvania, Maryland and Virginia. No cases of salmonella infection have been identified at this time in the other states.

The shelf-life for raw milk is about 14 days but can be longer if the milk is frozen.  Freezing of the milk will not kill the salmonella bacteria.

Salmonella is a bacterial infection that affects the intestinal tract and can sometimes affect the bloodstream and other organs. It is one of the most common causes of gastroenteritis, which can include diarrhea and vomiting. Approximately 2,000 cases of salmonella are reported each year in Pennsylvania.

Onset of illness usually occurs in 24 to 72 hours and patients typically recover in 5 to 7 days. Patients often do not require treatment unless they become severely dehydrated or the infection spreads from the intestines. People with severe diarrhea may require rehydration, often with intravenous fluids. Antibiotics are not usually necessary unless the infection spreads from the intestines.

For more information on salmonella, visit the Department of Health at www.health.state.pa.us or call 1-877-PA-HEALTH.


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