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Recall -- Firm Press Release

FDA posts press releases and other notices of recalls and market withdrawals from the firms involved as a service to consumers, the media, and other interested parties. FDA does not endorse either the product or the company.

R.A.B. Food Group, LLC Issues a Nationwide Recall of Sparkling Grape Juices Product May Rupture

David Rossi

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE -- Secaucus, NJ -- May 24, 2007 – R.A.B. Food Group, LLC is recalling the following products

Several bottles have been found to be fermenting which will cause additional pressure in the bottle. This may lead to the popping of the cap or rupturing of the bottle. There have been several incidents of rupturing bottles which could pose a hazard from broken glass. Immediate disposal of the product is warranted and should be done in a careful manner. There is no health risk posed from consuming the product and no consumer who has ingested the product is at any risk of illness or bad effects.

The recalled product has been distributed to retail stores throughout the United States and Canada.

Consumers that purchased any of the above products may contact R.A.B. Food Group, LLC for a full refund with proof of purchase. Consumers with questions about the recall or seeking a refund should call 1-201-453-5200.


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