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Recall -- Firm Press Release

FDA posts press releases and other notices of recalls and market withdrawals from the firms involved as a service to consumers, the media, and other interested parties. FDA does not endorse either the product or the company.

Quong Hop & Co. Expands Recall of Tofu

Quong Hop & Co

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE -- September 19, 2007 -- Quong Hop & Co. of South San Francisco, California is expanding their recall of tofu to include the following products in the following sizes and code dates:

These products are being recalled because they have the potential to be contaminated with Listeria monocytogenes, an organism which can cause serious and sometimes fatal infections in young children, frail or elderly people and others with weakened immune systems. Although healthy individuals may suffer only short term symptoms such as high fever, sever headache, stiffness, abdominal pain and diarrhea, Listeria infection in severe cases can cause miscarriages and still births among pregnant women.

The recalled "SOY DELI" and "QUONG HOP" brand products are distributed in the Midwest and West coast through supermarkets and natural food stores.

This expanded recall reflects product produced during the selected period. No additional cases of bacteria have been reported. This is a precaution being taken to help ensure product safety.

The date code can be found on the front panel of all the aforementioned products printed in blue ink.

No illnesses have been reported to date in connection with this problem.

The potential for contamination was noted after a routine test by Washington State Department of Agriculture's Food Safety Program revealed the presence of Listeria monocytogenes in a 12 OZ vacuum pack package of "SOY DELI FIRM ORGANIC NIGARI TOFU". The company is voluntarily recalling all products produced during the same time period as the sampled product to ensure customer safety.

Consumers who have purchased the recalled products are urged to return them to the place of purchase for a full refund. Consumers with questions may contact the company at 650-553-9900.


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