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Recall -- State Press Release


South Carolina Company Voluntarily Recalls Margaret Holmes Seasoned Turnip Greens

Joe Reardon
(919) 733-7366

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE -- Raleigh, NC -- May 18, 2007 -- McCall Farms of Effingham, S.C., is voluntarily recalling more than 2,500 cases of Margaret Holmes Seasoned Turnip Greens after tests by the N.C. Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services confirmed trace amounts of diesel fuel in product samples, Agriculture Commissioner Steve Troxler announced today.

The recall affects 27-ounce cans of Margaret Holmes Seasoned Turnip Greens with the product code TURN3 K10GY and a best-by date of November 2009. The recalled product was distributed to retail stores in Florida, Georgia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee and Virginia.

State public health officials said the level of diesel fuel detected in the samples of turnip greens should not pose a health risk.

"Consumers who have this product should return it to the place of purchase for a refund," Troxler said. "Our inspectors will be checking to be sure this product is pulled from store shelves, and will be testing additional products."

The NCDA&CS Food and Drug Protection Division launched an investigation after a consumer complained that the product had a chemical taste. Testing confirmed trace amounts of diesel fuel in the turnip greens.

The company is cooperating with state and federal authorities to determine the cause of the problem.

Consumers with questions may contact McCall Farms at 1-800-277-2012.


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