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Recall -- Firm Press Release

FDA posts press releases and other notices of recalls and market withdrawals from the firms involved as a service to consumers, the media, and other interested parties. FDA does not endorse either the product or the company.

Allergy Alert on Undeclared Peanuts in Mayfield Turtle Tracks Ice Cream

David Margulies
(214) 368-0909

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE -- Athens, TN -- May 8, 2007 -- Mayfield Dairy Farms announced today that it is voluntarily recalling 1.75 quart cartons of Mayfield Turtle Tracks ice cream with a code date of 4/11/08 and a UPC code of 75243-20120. The recall was initiated because the affected product contains peanuts, which are not listed on the label. No other Mayfield Dairy Farms products are involved in this recall.

Some individuals with allergies to peanuts run the risk of a serious reaction if they consume this product. No allergic reactions have been reported.

The recalled product was produced at the Mayfield Dairy Farms plant in Athens, Tennessee and distributed to retail stores in Tennessee, Northwestern Georgia, Northern Alabama and Southeastern Kentucky.

How to Identify the Recalled Product

Only 1.75 quart cartons with a code date of 4/11/08 and plant code of 47225 are involved in the recall. Consumers should look for this information on the side of the lid of the carton. The UPC code is 75243-20120.

The company apologizes for any inconvenience to its customers. Consumers who purchased the product may return it to where it is was purchased for a full refund or exchange. Consumers with questions can contact the company at 800-629-3435.

The Tennessee Department of Agriculture and the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) have been notified of this voluntary recall.


Photos: MayField Turtle Tracks Ice Cream

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