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Recall -- State Press Release

Consumer Alert: Undeclared Milk in Lorenzo's Brand Mexican Breads

Jessica Chittenden

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE -- March 29, 2007 -- New York State Agriculture Commissioner Patrick Hooker alerted consumers today that Acapulco Bakery, 116 Morning Star Road, Staten Island, New York 10310, is recalling packages of "Lorenzo brand Conchas de Sabor Vainilla, Cuernitos de Canela, Hojaldras, Croissant and Sweet Mexican Bread" varieties due to an undeclared milk ingredient. People who have allergies to milk may run the risk of serious or life-threatening allergic reactions if they consume this product.

The recalled "Lorenzo brand Conchas, de Sabor Vainilla, Cuernitos de Canela, Hojaldras, Croissant and Sweet Mexican Bread" varieties come in an uncoded plastic bag, lacking a weight declaration. It was sold in New York, Connecticut, New Jersey and Virginia.

The problem was discovered as a result of routine sampling by New York State Department of Agriculture and Markets Food Inspectors and subsequent analysis by the Department's Food Laboratory personnel revealed the presence of a milk ingredient in product packages which did not declare a milk ingredient on the label.

No illnesses have been reported to date to this Department in connection with the problem. Consumers who have purchased any "Lorenzo brand Conchas, de Sabor Vainilla, Cuernitos de Canela, Hojaldras, Croissant and Sweet Mexican Bread" variety should return it to the place of purchase.


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