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Recall -- Firm Press Release

FDA posts press releases and other notices of recalls and market withdrawals from the firms involved as a service to consumers, the media, and other interested parties. FDA does not endorse either the product or the company.

IKEA recalls IKEA FOOD Labeled Jars of Marinated Herring

(610) 834-0180

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE -- May 14, 2007 -- IKEA wants customers who have purchased an IKEA FOOD labeled jar of marinated herring with a Best Before Date 13-02-2008 or earlier to return it to their local IKEA store for a full refund.

IKEA has received two reports where customers have found a large piece of glass in IKEA FOOD labeled jars of marinated herring. There has been no report of injuries.

Safety is always a priority at IKEA, and as a precautionary measure IKEA is recalling IKEA FOOD labeled jars of marinated herring with a Best Before Date 13-02-2008 or earlier. The Best Before Date (DD-MM-YYYY) is to be found on the label directly above the bar code. Country of origin is Finland.

IKEA FOOD labeled marinated herring is sold at the Swedish Food Markets at IKEA stores. Only IKEA FOOD labeled jars of marinated herring with a Best Before Date 13-02-2008 or earlier are involved in the recall – no other jars of marinated herring sold at IKEA stores are affected.

We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused. For more information contact:
Mona Astra Liss, IKEA Corporate PR, sslm@memo.ikea.com, (610) 834-0180, Ext. 5852,
or visit the IKEA website at www.IKEA.com.


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