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Recall -- Firm Press Release

FDA posts press releases and other notices of recalls and market withdrawals from the firms involved as a service to consumers, the media, and other interested parties. FDA does not endorse either the product or the company.

Acme Smoked Fish Corporation Recalls Smoked Salmon

Acme Smoked Fish Corporation

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE -- Brooklyn, NY -- August 14, 2007 -- Acme Smoked Fish Corporation is voluntarily recalling 132 lbs of 4 oz. Smoked Salmon (Acme NY Original) and 114 lbs of 8 oz. Smoked Salmon (Acme NY Original) with a batch code of 9428 and sell-by-date code of 9-26/2007. This product was distributed to retail stores in the South Florida Region.

The potential for contamination was noted after routine testing by the Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services revealed the presence of Listeria monocytogenes in one 4 ounce package of "4 oz. Smoked Salmon (Acme Y Original)" with product code 9428 and sell-by-date code of 9/26/07. This organism can cause serious complications for pregnant women, young children, frail or elderly people, and others with weakened immune systems.

No illnesses have been reported to date in connection with this problem.

Consumers who have purchased 4 oz. Smoked Salmon (Acme NY Original) and/or 8 oz. Smoked Salmon (Acme NY Original) with batch code 9428 and sell-by-date 9/26/07 are urged to contact Acme for further details and refunds. Consumers with questions may contact the Quality Assurance Department at Acme Smoked Fish Corporation at 718-383-8585.


Photo: Smoked Salmon

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