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Power To End Stroke

Be real. Be strong. Be proud. The power is in your hands to prevent and overcome stroke, and the American Stroke Association is here with information and tools to support you every step of the way. Power To End Stroke is an education and awareness campaign that embraces and celebrates the culture, energy, creativity and lifestyles of African Americans. It unites African Americans to help make an impact on the high incidence of stroke within the community.

Join the movement



Join Power To End Stroke
Commit to learn about stroke and its risk factors. Pledge to reduce your risk and share the PTES message with family and friends. When you register with PTES you will receive the Power e-newsletter and a FREE subscription to Heart Insight magazine, our resource to help you stay on top of the latest heart and stroke health news and research! Register now!

Become a Power To End Stroke Ambassador         
Power to End Stroke needs your help to bring awareness to the African-American community about stroke. You can be a part of the Power To End Stroke by serving as a volunteer Ambassador.

Build a Tribute or Memorial Site
The American Stroke Association has created a site containing Web pages dedicated by family members or friends in honor of their loved ones that have suffered a stroke. Each page tells the story of a special person and provides the opportunity to make an online donation to our mission. Create a Tribute or Memorial page of your own to honor a loved one today.

Power tools



You don't have to be a statistic! As an African American, be aware of your risk factors. Take this quiz, then work with your doctor to reduce, control or prevent as many risk factors as you can.


Family reunions are a wonderful way to stay connected, and to learn and teach about your family heritage and traditions. It is also a great time to inform and remind family members that stroke is a major health threat. 


If a parent, grandparent, brother or sister has had a stroke, your risk of having one is greater. African Americans’ risk for stroke is up to four times higher than for non-Hispanic whites. This is due in part to higher rates of high blood pressure, diabetes and obesity among blacks. Use this tool to help get to the root of your family's health for generations to come.

Power Sunday
PTES is asking churches across the nation to participate in their own Power Sunday, any Sunday of the year, by discussing stroke awareness with their congregations. Download the PTES Power Sunday Toolkit for everything you need to assist you in hosting a Power Sunday service.

 What's New

08-07-2008 Children with sickle cell disease 221 times more likely to suffer stroke, new American Heart Association statement reveals
05-02-2008 Grammy winner BeBe Winans and Tha Hip Hop Doc Rani Whitfield add voices to the Power To End Stroke campaign
03-24-2008 Power To End Stroke receives honorable mention at PR Week Awards
01-28-2008 Black History Month: A time to fight a leading cause of death in African Americans


BMS/Sanofi logos

The Bristol-Myers Squibb/Sanofi Pharmaceuticals Partnership is a National Sponsor of Power To End Stroke


This content is reviewed regularly. Last updated 09/03/08.

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Support the Power To End Stroke Campaign and look good doing it! Shop for the Best of Healthy Soul Food Recipes Cookbook, bracelets, hoodies, bags and more. Every purchase contributes to the fight against stroke in African Americans.

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