Table 4: Quarterly Domestic Operating profit/loss margin (in percent),,,,,,, Regional Carriers ,,,,,,, Ranked by 2nd Quarter 2006 Margin ,,,,,,, (Operating Profit/Loss as Percent of Total Operating Revenue) ,,,,,,, 2Q 2006 Rank,Regional Carriers,2nd Quarter 2005 (%),3rd Quarter 2005 (%),4th Quarter 2005 (%),1st Quarter 2006 (%),2nd Quarter 2006 (%),2nd Quarter Operating Profit/Loss $(Millions) 1,Atlantic Southeast,10.2,9.6,13.1,13.6,13.2,43 2,Sky West,11.6,11.1,10.3,9.4,10,47 3,Pinnacle,10.7,-14.6,7.7,10.4,9.5,20 4,American Eagle,14.3,12.3,10.3,11,8.1,39 5,Express Jet,9.2,8.5,9,8.1,7.3,28 6,Mesa,13.9,13,10.3,8.9,4.1,12 7,Comair,4.4,2.6,-0.9,1.5,2.1,6 ,Seven-Carrier Total,10.7,7.4,8.7,9.1,7.9,193 "Source: Bureau of Transportation Statistics; Form 41, Schedule P1.2 ",,,,,,,