1. PUAP2225E - Understanding Congress (Evening & Weekend) |
Explore the roles and function of Congress and review the path of legislation. ... Discuss formal and informal leadership and power politics. ... Further your understanding of how two-party leadership affects legislative goals and policy initiatives. ... Discuss ethics and campaign reform issues. ... View the Term course ... |
2. PUAP2230E - Introduction to Grants Management (Classroom-Day) |
Introduction to Grants Management ... November 17 - 20, 2008 ... 8:30 AM - 4:30 PM Washington, DC $1095 ... 8:30 AM - 4:30 PM Washington, DC $1095 ... March 16 - 19, 2009 ... 8:30 AM - 4:30 PM San Francisco, CA $1095 ... 8:30 AM - 4:30 PM Washington, DC $1095 ... August 17 - 20, 2009 ... |
3. PUAP2281E - Sustainable Development (Evening & Weekend) |
Receive an introduction to the concept and practice of sustainable development (SD) as a process that meets the needs of the present generation without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. ... What are the fundamental issues of sustainable development facing human societies and the environment? Examine the ... |
4. PUAP4439E - Technology Transfer: Issues and Processes (Evening & Weekend) |
Explore the important role of technology transfer for national and international economic development. ... Study the application of research results to productive uses in industry. ... Examine core issues and fundamental facets of the technology transfer process in relation to the global needs of today. ... Programming, evaluation ... |
5. PUAP7000A - Introduction to Terror and Terrorism (via GS Online) (Distance Education) |
Explore terrorism-as a tool used by some groups to achieve social change. ... Explore the basic concepts of terrorism, the history of terrorism, the role of the media, the "A" list of terrorist organizations, the dynamics of hostage taking and negotiations, the anti- and counter-terrorism perspectives, and the future of terrorism. ... |
6. PUAP7001A - Department of Homeland Security: An Overview (Online), The (Distance Education) |
Learn what DHS is, why we need it, how it is organized, and where you fit in. ... Compiled from the collective works of authoritative sources in the field, this course provides an in-depth examination of the Department's history, mission, organization, and programs designed to reduce America's vulnerability to attack and to enable it to quickly ... |
7. PUAP7100D - Terrorism Awareness and Survival (Classroom-Day) |
Gain an overview of terrorism, learn the key indicators of potential terrorist activity and know how to report suspicious activity to the appropriate authorities. ... Terrorism Awareness and Survival is brief (three hours) and highly interactive. ... The program includes video reenactments of many warning signs of terrorism throughout ... |
8. PUAP7500A - Terrorism Awareness and Survival via GS Connect (Distance Education) |
All session times shown are Eastern United States. ... Gain an overview of terrorism. ... Learn the key indicators of potential terrorist activity, guidance in handling a variety of situations and how to report suspicious activity to the appropriate authorities. ... Topics include: chemical, biological, radiological and nuclear ... |
9. PUAP8000A - Psychology and Culture of Terrorism (via GS Online) (Distance Education) |
Explore and investigate the origins of terrorism; the motivations of terrorist groups and individual terrorists; the psychological mechanisms which allow terrorists to rationalize their actions; and the political, legal and societal options for responding to the culture and psychology of terrorism. ... This online course is the second in a ... |
10. PUAP8001A - Terrorism and Politics (via GS Online) (Distance Education) |
Explore terrorism as an act of crime, the rise of modern terrorism, and the impact of terrorism on our society and individuals. ... Learn that acts of terrorism have two victims - those immediately affected by the act and others who loose their sense of security and confidence in the government's ability maintain social order. ... |
11. PUAP8002A - Counter and Anti-Terrorism (via GS Online) (Distance Education) |
Explore why some groups employ terrorism as their mechanism for changing society. ... The course emphasizes an analytical and descriptive approach to the topic of counterterrorism and antiterrorism by identifying who are the terrorists; examining the perspectives of terrorists and how they operate; and exploring the political, legal, and societal ... |
12. PUAP8218N - Global Terrorism (Distance Education) |
Become acquainted with the phenomenon of world-wide terrorism including terrorist tactics, motivations, and organizations. ... Learn about events leading up to the 9/11 tragedies and subsequent developments. ... Equivalent to 24 classroom hours. ... In this independent study paper-based course, assistance is available as needed. ... |
13. PUAP8500D - Introduction to the National Incident Management System (NIMS) (Classroom-Day) |
Homeland Security Presidential Directive 5, Management of Domestic Incidents, requires that federal agencies, states, territories, local jurisdictions and tribal entities adopt the National Incident Management System (NIMS). ... The goal of NIMS training is to coordinate all levels of government in incident prevention, preparedness, response ... |