Friday, August 24, 2007 1:45-3:45 PM
Name   Title Affiliations
Sharion Smith   “A Novel Approach to Stroke Education in African-American Women:  The Beauty Shop Project” RN, BSN, Clinical Research Nurse Emory University School of Medicine Atlanta, GA
Dannai Harriel   “Forgotten Families:  Addressing the Needs of Parents and Children Affected by Incarceration” BA, Perinatal Systems Liaison Healthy Start, Inc.Pittsburgh, PA
Michele David   “Haitian Health Career Leadership Conference MD, MPH, MBA, Assistant Professor of Medicine, Boston University School of Medicine Co-Director, Haitian Health  Institute at Boston Medical Center Boston, MA
Adria Armbrister   “Black Women’s Lupus Narratives:  The Importance of Work and Relationships” PhD Student, Sociomedical Sciences, Program Coordinator, Global Health Track Columbia University, Mailman School of Public Health New York, NY
Kimberly Alston  “Bring Consumers to the Table:  An Innovative Approach to Enhanced Community Involvement” MA, HSM, Director Palmetto Health/Palmetto Healthy Start Columbia, SC
Suzanne Randolph   “Fostering Resiliency in African-American Mothers at Risk for Substance Abuse” PhD, Associate Professor University of Maryland Department of Family Studies College Park, MD
Linda M. Oravecz    “Fostering Resiliency in African-American Pre-schoolers In violent Communities” PhD, Assistant Professor Towson University Towson, MD
Onelia Lage Depression and Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder in Urban, Minority Women Seeking HIV/STI Testing at an Adolescent Medical Clinic Psychology Fellow Miller School of Medicine at the University of Miami
Stephanie Moultrie Medicaid Infant Claims, Costs and Regional Characteristics for Women Receiving Maternity Care Coordination in North Carolina Graduate Student  University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill,  Chapel Hill, North Carolina
Sabrina Smiley “Young Women of Color Sexual and Reproductive Health Advisory Council:  Changing Social Norms through Marketing and Education” MPH, Population Health Fellow  University of Wisconsin Madison, WI