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Mission & Outline of Licensing Practices

Berkeley Lab licenses a broad array of cutting-edge technologies to private industry. Berkeley Lab seeks as licensees companies that can marshall the requisite financial, R & D, manufacturing, marketing, and managerial capabilities and commitment to successfully commercialize Berkeley Lab innovations. Our goal is to:

  • Promote the use of Berkeley Lab technology to benefit society through licensing Lab inventions to companies capable of successfully commercializing them;
  • Support the research mission of the Lab through generating licensing income that supports future Lab research and by finding industry partners to sponsor Lab research;
  • Earn a fair return and recognition for the Lab and inventors; and
  • Contribute to regional and national economic development.

Below are some guidelines of our licensing practices:

  • Terms of each Berkeley Lab license vary commensurately with the market value of each technology and the common licensing practices of the relevant industrial sector.
  • Licenses typically have at least these three monetary terms:
    • License issue fee, which is nonrefundable and due upon execution of the agreement
    • Running royalty, which is most commonly based on a percentage of sales
    • Minimum annual royalties
  • Licenses also contain performance requirements for the licensee. These are milestones that Berkeley Lab and the licensee agree to reflect diligent progress in the development of the technology. These performance requirements reflect our commitment to ensure that technologies developed at Berkeley Lab are commercialized, and that the public ultimately enjoys the benefit.
  • Licenses may be exclusive or non-exclusive for a particular field of use or geographic region.
  • When an agreement grants an exclusive license for the U.S. market, the licensee must substantially manufacture the technology in the U.S.
  • The U.S. government is granted a fully paid-up, nontransferable, non-exclusive license to use the invention for government purposes only, as is the case with other federally funded inventions.

The Technology Transfer Department looks forward to working with industry to develop commercially reasonable and fair license terms and conditions. Qualified small, women-owned, minority-owned, and disadvantaged businesses are especially encouraged to inquire.

For more information on licensing, please see Frequently Asked Questions.

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Licensing Successes

Investing in Berkeley Lab research makes good financial sense. Start-ups and licensing agreements bring Berkeley Lab technologies to the market-place and benefit everyone.

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Confidentiality & Material Transfer Agreements

You may download the sample forms for a Non-Disclosure Agreement and a Material Transfer Agreement at the links below.

For further questions regarding the NDA and MTA processes, please contact Julie Hart at 510-486-2908.

Licensing Contact Information

Viviana Wolinsky
Licensing Manager
One Cyclotron Road, MS 90R1070
Berkeley, CA 94720-8125
Tel: (510) 486-6463/ Fax: (510) 486-6457

Software Licensing Associate
One Cyclotron Road, MS 90R1070
Berkeley, CA 94720-8125
Tel: (510) 486-6467/ Fax: (510) 486-6457

Virginia de la Puente
Senior Licensing Associate
One Cyclotron Road, MS 90R1070
Berkeley, CA 94720-8125
Tel: (510) 495-2920/ Fax: (510) 486-6457

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