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Bus and Bus Facilities (Section 5309)
The Bus and Bus-Related Facilities program provides capital assistance for new and replacement buses and related equipment and facilities.  Eligibility information and contact information can be found below.

Program Updates and Downloads

Q & A
Is there a limit on the size of vehicle that can be purchased through the Section 5309 funds?
No, the materials do not state any such requirements, so put in for the vehicle types that best meet your agency’s needs.
Does my estimate of the fleet condition at or exceeding 75 percent of useful life standard include back-up vehicles?
The materials do not state whether back-ups can be included in the estimate. For those agencies that have applied for earmarks in the past, use the same method.
When will funds be available? 
No one is sure, but the best guess from FTA Region 10 is that the funds will be available after the first of the calendar year (2008).
If my agency has a FY 2007 project published in the Federal Register Notice dated March 23, 2007, do I need to reapply to compete for funds? 
No, your published project will be accessed through a direct grant with FTA as usual. The solicitation is for additional funds that have not been designated to projects yet.
Since agencies are required to submit projects through the ODOT Public Transit Division, if approved for funding, will the grant be administered through the state as well? 
Not necessarily. Direct recipients of FTA may access the funds as they have in the past. Agencies that win the competition that have not had direct grants with FTA in the past may write a letter to FTA Region 10 requesting that ODOT Public Transit access the funds on their behalf.

Related Links

Please contact Joni Bramlett, Capital Program Manager, at (503) 986-3416.

Page updated: April 13, 2007

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