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Public Transit Division's Budget
Budget Information
The Public Transit Division (PTD) is funded by federal funds and dedicated state funds (Other Funds), such as the Non-Highway Fuels Tax (a small portion of the gas tax), that are not derived from the state General Fund (primarily income and business taxes).  Since many federal programs require states to pay part of the bill as a requirement for funding (known as “matching funds”, or just “match”), PTD uses these Other Funds to match federal funds, granting most of the money directly to local transportation providers on a formula basis. 
Match rates vary generally from a 1-1 match ratio to a 9-1 match ratio; at a ratio of 9-1, the federal government sends us $9 for every $1 the state commits to a type of project.  Setting a higher match rate is an incentive that the federal government uses to encourage states to provide services that may otherwise be prohibitively expensive, such as rural transit for people with disabilities or the elderly.
A relatively small portion of the money is held for our biennial discretionary grant solicitation.  Transportation providers then apply for the additional funding.  PTD staff and the Public Transportation Advisory Committee review project proposals, and the best of the projects are funded through these discretionary grants.
You can view a brief budget summary chart or contact us to visit our office and review the budget in more detail.

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Please contact PJ Pippin at (503) 986-3300.

Page updated: July 10, 2007

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