Enforcement Report

The FDA Enforcement Report is published weekly by the Food and Drug Administration, U.S. Public Health Service, Department of Health and Human Services. It contains information on actions taken in connection with agency regulatory activities.

Recalls and Field Corrections:  Foods -- Class II -- 08/03/1994

AUGUST 3, 1994                                                  94-31

PRODUCT        Pistachio Nut Ice Cream in 3 gallon containers.  
               Recall #F-757-4.
CODE           All product manufactured during 2/19/94 through 5/19/94.
MANUFACTURER   Reinhold Ice Cream Company, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.
RECALLED BY    Manufacturer, by telephone beginning May 19, 1994.  Firm-
               initiated recall ongoing.
DISTRIBUTION   Pennsylvania.
QUANTITY       Firm estimates very little product remains on the market.
REASON         Product contains undeclared FD&C Yellow No. 5.

PRODUCT        Various flavored ice cream and yogurt in 3 gallon paperboard
               containers:  (a) Butter Pecan Ice Cream; (b) Praline Pecan
               Ice Cream; (c) Praline Pecan Yogurt.  
               Recall #F-754/756-4.
CODE           All product manufactured from 2/19/94 through 5/19/94.
MANUFACTURER   Reinhold Ice Cream Company, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.
RECALLED BY    Manufacturer, by telephone beginning May 19, 1994, and by
               letter May 25, 1994.  Firm-initiated recall ongoing.
DISTRIBUTION   Pennsylvania.
QUANTITY       Firm estimates very little, if any, product remains on the
REASON         Products contain undeclared pecans._______________
PRODUCT        Ice Cream:  (a) Toasted Almond Fudge; (b) Coconut Almond
               Fudge, in 3 gallon containers.  Recall #F-759/760-4.
CODE           All product manufactured from 2/19/94 through 5/19/94.
MANUFACTURER   Reinhold Ice Cream Company, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.
RECALLED BY    Manufacturer, by telephone beginning May 19, 1994.  Firm-
               initiated recall ongoing.
DISTRIBUTION   Pennsylvania.
QUANTITY       Firm estimates very little, if any, product remains on the
REASON         Products contain undeclared almonds.

PRODUCT        Pramoxine HCl Ointment 10 mg/g, in 1 ounce tubes, brand name
               Anusol, topical non-Rx analgesic for hemorrhoidal use. 
               Recall #D-335-4.
CODE           Lot #35711L EXP 2/96.
MANUFACTURER   Warner-Lambert Company, Lititz, Pennsylvania.
RECALLED BY    Warner-Lambert Company, Morris Plains, New Jersey, by letter
               June 10, 1994.  Firm-initiated recall complete.
DISTRIBUTION   Nationwide.
QUANTITY       48,216 tubes were distributed; firm estimates none remains
               on the market.
REASON         Subpotency.

PRODUCT        Operand Povidone-Iodine Ointment, in 1 gram packets,
               nonprescription.  Recall #D-336-4.
CODE           Catalog #82-322, lot #39526 EXP 6/97.
MANUFACTURER   Redi Products, Prichard, West Virginia.
RECALLED BY    General Medical Manufacturing Company, Richmond, Virginia,
               by letter September 17 and 30, 1993.  Firm-initiated recall
DISTRIBUTION   Undetermined.
QUANTITY       480 cartons were distributed; firm estimates none remains on
               the market.
REASON         Some boxes are mislabeled with an incorrect unit size (2.7
               gm) and incorrect stock number.

PRODUCT        Eucerin Dry Skin Care Moisturizing Lotion, fragrance free,
               in 16 ounce plastic bottles.  Recall #D-337-4.
CODE           Lot #3327C, 3340C, 3341C EXP 12/96.
MANUFACTURER   Conair Inc., Rantoul, Illinois.
RECALLED BY    Manufacturer, by letters of June 14, 1994, and July 13,
               1994.  Firm-initiated recall ongoing.
DISTRIBUTION   Nationwide.
QUANTITY       Approximately 3,200 cases  were distributed.
REASON         Presence of an additional lotion product that has fragrance.

                                    -2-RECALLS AND FIELD CORRECTIONS:  BIOLOGICS -- CLASS II
PRODUCT        Recovered Plasma.  Recall #B-353-4.
CODE           Unit #11FF09486.
MANUFACTURER   The American National Red Cross, St. Louis, Missouri.
RECALLED BY    Manufacturer, by letter June 1, 1993.  Firm-initiated recall
DISTRIBUTION   California.
QUANTITY       1 unit.
REASON         Blood product, which tested reactive for syphilis by the
               Rapid Plasma Reagin (RPR) test, was distributed.

PRODUCT        Source Leukocytes.  Recall #B-354-4.
CODE           Unit #9892362.
MANUFACTURER   BloodCare, Dallas, Texas.
RECALLED BY    Manufacturer, by letter June 10, 1993.  Firm-initiated
               recall complete.
QUANTITY       1 unit.
REASON         Blood product, collected from an ineligible donor due to
               acupuncture less than 12 months prior to donation, was

PRODUCT        Blood Bank Control System Computer Software, Version 3.1. 
               Recall #B-357-4.
CODE           Version 3.1 released on the following dates 6/92, 7/92,
               10/17/92, 1/29/93, 3/2/93, 7/93, 9/93, and 12/93.
MANUFACTURER   Blood Bank Computer Systems, Inc., Puyallup, Washington.
RECALLED BY    Manufacturer, by either telephone or letter on various dates
               between July 1992 and February 1994.  Firm-initiated recall
DISTRIBUTION   Florida, Illinois, Kansas, Ohio, Texas, Washington state.
QUANTITY       12 users have various versions installed.
REASON         Computer software, that contained programming errors which
               could potentially result in the release of unsuitable blood
               products, was distributed.

PRODUCT        (a) Red Blood Cells; (b) Platelets; (c) Cryoprecipitated
               AHF; (d) Fresh Frozen Plasma.  Recall #B-360/363-4.
CODE           Unit numbers:  (a) S08702703, S09033253, 2639301; (b)
               8344580; (c) S15070533; (d) S08702703, 8334580.
MANUFACTURER   Blood Care (formerly J.K. and Susie L. Wadley Research
               Institute and Blood Bank), Dallas, Texas.
RECALLED BY    Manufacturer, by letter January 6, 1994.  Firm-initiated
               recall complete
DISTRIBUTION   Texas, Virginia.
QUANTITY       (a) 3 units; (b) 1 unit; (c) 1 unit; (d) 2 units.
REASON         Blood products collected from a donor who reported a history
               of cancer were distributed.

                                    -3-_______________
PRODUCT        Red Blood Cells.  Recall #B-369-4.
CODE           Unit #32J39227.
MANUFACTURER   The American National Red Cross, Madison, Wisconsin.
RECALLED BY    Manufacturer, by letter January 10, 1994.  Firm-initiated
               recall complete.
QUANTITY       1 unit.
REASON         Blood product, collected from an ineligible donor due to a
               reported history of cancer, was distributed.

PRODUCT        (a) Red Blood Cells; (b) Platelets.  Recall #B-370/371-4.
CODE           Unit #50G31378.
MANUFACTURER   The American National Red Cross, Toledo, Ohio.
RECALLED BY    Manufacturer, by letter November 5, 1993.  Firm-initiated
               recall complete.
QUANTITY       1 unit of each component.
REASON         Blood products collected from an ineligible donor due to a
               reported history of cancer were distributed.

PRODUCT        (a) Red Blood Cells; (b) Platelets; (c) Cryoprecipitated
               AHF; (d) Recovered Plasma.  Recall #B-377/380-4.
CODE           Unit numbers:  (a) 50G09881, 50G21320, 50G42375, 50G52922,
               50G84919, 50G98932, 50J19142; (b) 50G21320; (c) 50G09881,
               50G42375, 50G52922, 50G84919, 50G98932; (d) 50G09881,
               50G21320, 50G42375, 50G52922, 50G84919, 50G98932, 50J19142.
MANUFACTURER   The American National Red Cross, Toledo, Ohio.
RECALLED BY    Manufacturer, by telephone June 1, 1993, and by letters date
               June 2 and 23, 1993.  Firm-initiated recall complete.
DISTRIBUTION   Massachusetts, Ohio, Tennessee, California, Switzerland, The
REASON         Blood products, that tested negative for the antibody to the
               human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (anti-HIV-1), but were
               collected from a donor who previously tested repeatedly
               reactive for anti-HIV-1, were distributed.

PRODUCT        Fresh Frozen Plasma.  Recall #B-381-4.
CODE           Unit #50H22547.
MANUFACTURER   The American National Red Cross, Toledo, Ohio.
RECALLED BY    Manufacturer, by letter June 1, 1993.  Firm-initiated recall
QUANTITY       1 unit.
REASON         Blood product, containing anti-(Rho)D, but labeled as
               negative for unexpected antibodies, was distributed.

                                    -4-_______________
PRODUCT        Platelets, Pheresis.  Recall #B-387-4.
CODE           Unit #13P51645-A.
MANUFACTURER   American Red Cross Blood Services, Detroit, Michigan.
RECALLED BY    Manufacturer, by telephone and letter November 24, 1993. 
               Firm-initiated recall complete.
QUANTITY       1 unit.
REASON         Blood product which was labeled with an incorrect expiration
               date was distributed.

PRODUCT        Platelets, Pheresis.  Recall #B-252-4.
CODE           Unit #40P29186.
MANUFACTURER   The American National Red Cross, Peoria, Illinois.
RECALLED BY    Manufacturer, by telephone March 14, 1994.  Firm-initiated
               recall complete.
QUANTITY       1 unit.
REASON         An unlicensed blood product was distributed in interstate

PRODUCT        Red Blood Cells.  Recall #B-358-4.
CODE           Unit numbers:  28KS02988, 28KS02996, 28KS02997, 28KS03003,
               28KS03005, 28KT03190, 28KT03192, 28KT03193, 28KT03197,
MANUFACTURER   American Red Cross Blood Services, Savannah, Georgia.
RECALLED BY    Manufacturer, by letter October 1, 1993.  Firm-initiated
               recall complete.
DISTRIBUTION   South Carolina.
QUANTITY       10 units.
REASON         Blood products, incorrectly tested for hepatitis B surface
               antigen (HBsAg), were distributed.

PRODUCT        Recovered Plasma.  Recall #B-359-4.
CODE           Unit numbers:  M13456, M13459, M13866, M14619.
MANUFACTURER   Medical Center of Delaware, Inc., doing business as
               Christiana Hospital, Newark, Delaware.
RECALLED BY    Manufacturer, by telephone April 22, 1994, followed by
               letter April 25, 1994.  Firm-initiated recall complete.
QUANTITY       4 units.
REASON         Blood products, tested for the antibody to hepatitis C virus
               encoded antigen (anti-HCV) in a manner inconsistent with the
               manufacturer's test kit instructions, were distributed.

                                    -5-_______________
PRODUCT        (a) Source Leukocytes; (b) Recovered Plasma.  
               Recall #B-364/365-4.
CODE           Unit numbers:  (a) 2639301; (b) S15070533, 2639301.
MANUFACTURER   Blood Care (formerly J.K. and Susie L. Wadley Research
               Institute and Blood Bank), Dallas, Texas.
RECALLED BY    Manufacturer, by letter January 6, 1994.  Firm-initiated
               recall complete.
DISTRIBUTION   California, Texas, Virginia.
QUANTITY       (a) 1 unit; (b) 2 units.
REASON         Blood products collected from a donor who reported a history
               of cancer were distributed.

PRODUCT        Platelets, Pheresis.  Recall #B-366-4.
CODE           Unit #C36733.
MANUFACTURER   Northern Illinois Blood Bank, Rockford, Illinois.
RECALLED BY    Manufacturer, by telephone April 21, 1994.  Firm-initiated
               recall complete.
QUANTITY       1 unit.
REASON         Blood product, which tested initially reactive for hepatitis
               B surface antigen (HBsAg), was distributed.

PRODUCT        (a) Whole Blood; (b) Red Blood Cells.  Recall #B-367/368-4.
CODE           Unit numbers:  (a) N68551, W97712; (b) FJ02793, LM62233,
               LR08289, LR32282, LX07369, LX07394, LX08526, R77421, V16017,
               W97729, Z87552, Z87573.
MANUFACTURER   The Blood Center of Southeastern Wisconsin, Milwaukee,
RECALLED BY    Manufacturer, by telephone on September 4, 1992, September
               22, 1993, and October 21, 1993.  Firm-initiated recall
QUANTITY       (a) 2 units; (b) 12 units.
REASON         Blood products labeled with incorrect expiration dates were

PRODUCT        Recovered Plasma.  Recall B-372-4.
CODE           Unit #50G31378.
MANUFACTURER   The American National Red Cross, Toledo, Ohio.
RECALLED BY    Manufacturer, by telephone October 29, 1993.  Firm-initiated
               recall complete.
DISTRIBUTION   California.
QUANTITY       1 unit.
REASON         Blood product collected from an ineligible donor due to a
               reported history of cancer was distributed for further
               manufacture into injectable products.

                                    -6-_______________
PRODUCT        (a) Whole Blood; (b) Red Blood Cells; (c) Platelets
               Pheresis.  Recall #B-374/376-4.
CODE           Unit numbers:  (a) 12FH73331 and 12GV01483;
               (b) 12F67503, 12F67504, 12F67505, 12F67506, 12F67507,
               12F67508, 12F67509, 12F67510, 12F67511, 12F67512, 12F67514,
               12F67516, 12F67517, 12F67520, 12F67521, 12F67527, 12F67531,  
               12F67533, 12F67534, 12F67537, 12F67539, 12F67540,  
               12FH73328, 12FH73330, 12FJ67861, 12FJ67862, 12FJ67864,
               12FJ67865, 12FJ67866, 12FJ67867, 12FJ67868, 12FJ67869,
               12FJ67871, 12FJ67873, 12FJ67875, 12FJ67877, 12FJ67879,
               12FJ67881, 12FJ67882, 12FJ67883, 12FJ67885, 12FJ67886, 
               12FJ67887, 12FP77159, 12FP77160, 12FP77161, 12FP77162,
               12FP77163, 12FP77164, 12FP77166, 12FP77169, 12FP77170,
               12FP77172, 12FP77173, 12FP77174, 12FP77175, 12FP77176,
               12FP77177, 12FP77178, 12FP77179, 12FP77180, 12FP77181,
               12FP77184, 12FP77185, 12FP77187, 12FP77190, 12FW03782,
               12FW03783, 12FW03785, 12FW03787, 12FW03788, 12FW03798,
               12FW03812, 12FZ04592, 12FZ04595, 12FZ04604, 12FZ04614,
               12FZ04616, 12GM15718, 12GM15720, 12GM15725, 12GM15748,
               12GM15750, 12Q86926, 12Q86927, 12Q86928, 12Q86931, 12Q86934,
               12Q86936, 12Q86937, 12Q86939, 12Q86945, 12Q86947, 12Q86948,
               12Q86954, 12Q86957, 12Q86958, 12Q86959, 12Q86962, 12Q86964,
               12Q86968, 12Q86978, 12Q86985, 12Q86986, 12Q86987, 12Q86988,  
               12Q86989, 12Q86990, 12Z12273, 12Z12274, 12Z12275, 12Z12276,
               12Z12277, 12Z12278, 12Z12280, 12Z12281, 12Z12282, 12Z12283,
               12Z12284, 12Z12285, 12Z12286, 12Z12287, 12Z12288, 12Z12290,
               12Z12293, 12Z12294, 12Z12295, 12Z12296, 12Z12297, 12Z12298,
               12Z12299, 12Z12300, 12Z12301, 12Z12302, 12Z12303, 12Z12304,  
               12Z12305, 12Z12306, 12Z12307, 12Z12308, 12Z12309, 12Z12310,
               12Z12311, 12Z12313, 12Z12314, 12Z12316, 12Z12317, 12Z12318,
               12Z12319, 12Z12320, 12Z12321, 12Z12323, 12Z12324, 12Z12325;
               (c) 12T69069, 12T69070, 12T69071, 12T69072, 12T69073,
MANUFACTURER   American Red Cross Blood Services, Charlotte, North
RECALLED BY    Manufacturer, by letters dated from September 28 through
               October 1993.  Firm-initiated recall complete.
DISTRIBUTION   North Carolina.
QUANTITY       (a) 2 units; (b) 164 units; (c) 6 units.
REASON         Blood products, incorrectly tested for hepatitis B surface
               antigen (HBsAg), were distributed.

PRODUCT        (a) Red Blood Cells; (b) Platelets; (c) Fresh Frozen Plasma;
               (d) Recovered Plasma.  Recall #B-383/386-4.
CODE           Unit numbers:  (a) 2274566, 4421446, 4420108, 8823973; 
               (b) 4421446, 4420108, 8823973; (c) 4421446; (d) 2274566,
               4420108, 8823973.
MANUFACTURER   Sarasota Community Blood Bank, Sarasota, Florida.
RECALLED BY    Manufacturer, by letters of February 22 and 24, 1994.  Firm-
               initiated recall complete.

                                    -7-DISTRIBUTION   Florida.
QUANTITY       (a) 4 units; (b) 3 units; (c) 1 unit; (d) 3 units.
REASON         Blood products, which tested negative for the antibody to
               the human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (anti-HIV-1) but
               were collected from donors who previously tested repeatedly
               reactive for anti-HIV-1, were distributed.

PRODUCT        Kodak Mammography Film: 
               (a) Kodak Min-R E, 18 x 24 cm, Catalog No. 807 4148; 
               (b) Kodak Min-R E, 24 x 30 cm, Catalog No. 807 4577; 
               (c) Kodak Min-R M, 18 x 24 cm, Catalog No. 160 8785; 
               (d) Kodak Min-R M, 24 x 30 cm, Catalog No. 160 8801.
               Recall #Z-1121/1124-4.
CODE:          Min-R E film, 148 emulsion roll numbers.
               Min-R M film, 109 emulsion roll numbers.  
MANUFACTURER   Eastman Kodak Company, Rochester, New York.
RECALLED BY    Manufacturer, by letter May 4, 1994.  Firm-initiated recall
DISTRIBUTION   Nationwide, The Bahamas, Costa Rica, Ecuador, El Salvador,
               Honduras, Guam, Guatemala, Nicaragua, St. Maarten, N.
QUANTITY       (a) 101,512 boxes; (b) 31,351 boxes; (c) 75,087; (d) 38,129
REASON         Some of the devices have been found to exhibit a cluster or
               band of small pinpoint-like minus-density artifacts.  The
               significance of artifacts on film may be potentially
               misinterpreted by the radiologist.

PRODUCT        Nebulizer Adapter and Set, Respiratory Feed Set,             
               Ventilator Set for use with Humidifiers: 
               (a) IPI Disposable Nebulizer Adapter for use with 350 ml
               Pour Bottles, Catalog number 1025; with 550 ml Pour Bottles,
               Catalog number 1026; with 750 ml Pour Bottles, Catalog
               number 1027; with 1000 ml Pour Bottles, Catalog number 1028 
               (b) Catalog number 1112, IPI Respiratory Feed Set w/Luer
               (c) Catalog number 1114, IPI Respiratory Therapy Set 
               (d) Catalog number 1114-S, IPI Connector Set for use with
               "Baxter HLC 37" Heated Liquid Level Controller 
               (e) Catalog number 1114-VP, IPI Respiratory Therapy Set for
               Vapor Phase 
               (f) Catalog number 1115, IPI Nebulizer Fill Set for use with
               Gas Driven Nebulizers; 
               (g) Catalog number 1116, IPI Pediatric Ventilator Set for
               use with 3/8" Inlet Ports;   
               (h) Catalog number 1118, IPI Respiratory Therapy Float Set
               for Ultrasonic Cup use; 
               (i) Catalog number 1119, IPI Respiratory Ventilator Set for
               use with Adult Cascade Humidifiers 

                                    -8-               (j) Catalog number 1120, IPI Thermo-Trol Set for use with
               Conchatherm Heaters; 
               (k) Catalog number 1122, IPI Respiratory Therapy Fluid
               Transfer Sets with Luer Tip and Spring Loaded Clamp 
               (l) Catalog number 1124, IPI Respiratory Therapy Set-
               Universal, with Spring Loaded Clamp for Ultrasonic or
               Pneumatic Nebulizers; 
               (m) Catalog number 1125, IPI Nebulizer Fill Set with Spring
               Loaded Clamp for use with Gas Driven Nebulizers;  
               (n) Catalog number 1126, IPI Pediatric Ventilator Set with
               Spring Loaded Clamp, for use with 3/8" Inlet Ports 
               (o) Catalog number 1129, IPI Respiratory Ventilator Set with
               Spring Loaded Clamp, for use with Adult Cascade Humidifiers. 
               Recall #Z-1134/1148.
CODE           All lots of these devices shipped prior to June 14, 1994,
               with lot numbers of D146 or older.
MANUFACTURER   IPI Medical Products, Chicago, Illinois.
RECALLED BY    Manufacturer, by telephone July 6, 1994, followed by fax
               July 7, 1994.  Firm-initiated recall ongoing.
DISTRIBUTION   Nationwide, Canada, Belgium, England, The Netherlands,
QUANTITY       779 cases were distributed; firm estimates 20 percent of the
               product remains on the market.
REASON         The packaging developed holes or incomplete seals during
               shipment, compromising the sterility of the product.

PRODUCT        Sharper Image Relaxation System (referred to as S.I.R.
               System).  Recall #Z-1153-4.
CODE           Product #NM200.
MANUFACTURER   Synetic Systems, Inc., Seattle, Washington.
RECALLED BY    Manufacturer, by electronic mail message sent June 30, 1994. 
               Firm-initiated recall ongoing.
DISTRIBUTION   Nationwide, Australia, Japan, Mexico, Switzerland.
QUANTITY       887 units were manufactured.
REASON         The firm failed to file a 510(k) Pre-Market Notification for
               their S.I.R. System.

PRODUCT        SofCare Companion Inflation Pumps, electric inflation pumps
               for static air mattresses:  (a) Model CP300; (b) Model
               CP200; (c) CP100.  Recall #Z-1189/1191-4.
CODE           Serial numbers I39A01 through D49A24.  Units distributed
               from January 1994 to May 1994.
MANUFACTURER   Apolo Enterprises, Ontario, California.
RECALLED BY    Geymar Industries, Inc., Orchard Park, New York, by voice
               mail May 20, 1994, and by letter May 24, 1994.  Firm-
               initiated recall ongoing.
DISTRIBUTION   Nationwide.
QUANTITY       (a) 1,071 units; (b) 6 units; (c) 10 units were distributed.

                                    -9-REASON         Repeated dropping of the inflation pump may cause
               disengagement of internal support screws resulting in coil
               assembly detachment from case housing.

PRODUCT        Marquette Responder Defibrillator/Monitor:  (a) Model 1500;
               (b) Model 1250.  Recall #Z-1193/1194-4.
CODE           All serial numbers.
MANUFACTURER   Marquette Electronics, Inc., Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
RECALLED BY    Manufacturer, by letter June 13, 1994.  Firm-initiated
               recall ongoing.
DISTRIBUTION   Nationwide and international.
QUANTITY       (a) 1,346 units; (b) 736 units were distributed.
REASON         The display screen of some units failed and other units
               became totally inoperable.  Also, occurring in some units
               was a corruption of the flash memory rendering the devices

PRODUCT        Life Scope L Patient Monitor, Model BSM 2101A, equipped with
               software versions A1-08 and A1-10, indicataed for ECG, NIBP,
               and Sa02 monitoring.  Recall #Z-1195-4.
CODE           All model BSM 2101A units.
MANUFACTURER   Nihon Kohden, Inc., Saitana, Japan.
RECALLED BY    Nihon Kohden America, Inc., Irvine, California, by letter
               March 18, 1994.  Firm-initiated field correction complete.
DISTRIBUTION   Alabama, Arizona, California, Colorado, Florida, Georgia,
               Maryland, Michigan, Nebraska, New Jersey, Ohio,
               Pennsylvania, Texas, Washington state, Washington, D.C.
QUANTITY       43 units.
REASON         The non-invasive blood pressure (NIBP) readings may be
               inaccurate, producing false low readings.  The likely result
               of such an event, if undetected, would be a delay in, or
               possibly incorrect treatment.

PRODUCT        Intermediate Hi-Lo Cuffed Tracheal Tubes:  (a) 6.5 mm (b)
               Tracheal Tubes, Catalog #86449; (b) 7.5 mm Tracheal Tube,
               Catalog #86451; (c) 7.0 mm Tracheal Tube, Catalog #86450. 
               Recall #Z-1125/1127-4.
CODE           Lot numbers:  (a) MJ11530; (b) MW10160; (c) MJ11530,
MANUFACTURER   Mallinckrodt Medical, Inc., Argyle, New York.
RECALLED BY    Manufacturer, by telephone, followed by letter June 16,
               1994.  Firm-initiated recall ongoing.
DISTRIBUTION   Nationwide, Venezuela, Canada
QUANTITY       18,330 units (6.5 mm), 23,900 (7.5 mm) units were

                                   -10-REASON         The cases and individual 6.5 mm  (lot MJ11530) and 7.5 mm
               (lot MW10160) tracheal tubes may contain incorrectly labeled
               inner boxes.  Some of the inner boxes are labeled 7.0 mm
               (lot MJ11530 and MW10160) but actually contain the 6.5 mm
               and 7.5 mm tracheal tubes.

PRODUCT        Synchronized Light/Sound Devices (which emit sequences of
               computer controlled flashing lights and sounds through
               special glasses and headphones and are promoted as
               beneficial in affecting various physical and mental
               functions such as relaxation, sleep, visualization,
               energizing, and learning by altering the user's brainwave
               patterns) (93-629-464).
CHARGES        Adulterated - The articles are class III devices for which 
               there are no approved premarket approval applications in
               effect, nor do the articles have investigational device
               exemptions.  Misbranded - The articles were not included in
               a required list, nor were notices or other information
               provided as required.
LOCATION       Synetic Systems, Inc., Seattle, Washington.
FILED          June 10, 1994; U.S. District Court for the Western District
               of Washington; Civil #C94-883R; FDC #66918.
SEIZED         June 14, 1994 - goods valued at approximately $50,000.

PRODUCT        Yellow Fin Tuna Pieces (94-629-906).
CHARGE         Adulterated - The article bears or contains a poisonous and
               deleterious substance, histamine, which ordinarily renders
               it injurious to health; and, it consists in part of
               decomposed fish.
LOCATION       Cityice Cold Storage Company, Seattle, Washington.
FILED          May 10, 1994; U.S. District Court for the Western District
               of Washington; Civil #94-707R; FDC #66967.
SEIZED         May 23, 1994 - goods valued at approximately $2,500.

PRODUCT        Sterile Gauze Bandages (94-710-913 et al).
CHARGES        Adulterated - The articles' quality falls below that which
               they purport and are represented to possess because the
               articles purport to be sterile which is contrary to fact
               since they are contaminated with mold, yeast, and bacteria. 
               Misbranded - The articles' labeling is false and misleading
               since the product purports to be sterile and, in fact, the
               product is not sterile.
LOCATION       Medline Industries, Inc., Mundelein, Illinois.

                                   -11-FILED          July 25, 1994; U.S. District Court for the Northern
               District of Illinois, Eastern Division; Civil #94C 4505;
               FDC #66999.
SEIZED         July 25, 1994 - goods valued at approximately $47,253.

