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Title SNAP focal plane
Creator/Author Lampton, Michael L. ; Kim, A. ; Akerlof, C.W. ; Aldering, G. ; Amanullah, R. ; Astier, P. ; Barrelet, E. ; Bebek, C. ; Bergstrom, L. ; Berkovitz, J. ; Bernstein, G. ; Bester, M. ; Bonissent, A. ; Bower, C. ; Carithers Jr., W.C. ; Commins, E.D. ; Day, C. ; Deustua, S.E. ; DiGennaro,R. ; Ealet, A. ; Ellis, R.S. ; Eriksson, M. ; Fruchter, A. ; Genat, J.-F. ; Goldhaber, G. ; Goobar, A. ; Groom, D. ; Harris, S.E. ; Harvey, P.R. ; Heetderks, H.D. ; Holland, S.E. ; Huterer, D. ; Karcher, A. ; Kolbe, W. ; Krieger, B. ; Lafever, R. ; Lamoureux, J. ; Levi, M.E. ; Levin, D.S. ; Linder,E.V. ; Loken, S.C. ; Malina, R. ; Massey, R. ; McKay, T. ; McKee, S.P. ; Miquel, R. ; Mortsell, E. ; Mostek, N. ; Mufson, S. ; Musser, J. ; Nugent, P. ; Oluseyi, H. ; Pain, R. ; Palaio, N. ; Pankow, D. ; Perlmutter, S. ; Pratt, R. ; Prieto, E. ; Refregier, A. ; Rhodes, J. ; Robinson, K. ; Roe, N. ; Sholl, M. ; Schubnell, M. ; Smadja, G. ; Smoot, G. ; Spadafora, A. ; Tarle, G. ; Tomasch,A. ; von der Lippe, H. ; Vincent, R. ; Walder, J.-P. ; Wang, G.
Publication Date2002 Jul 29
OSTI IdentifierOSTI ID: 892938
Report Number(s)LBNL--51189
DOE Contract NumberDE-AC02-05CH11231
Other Number(s)R&D Project: PDSNAP; Other: BnR: KA0401010; TRN: US200623%%638
Resource TypeConference
Resource RelationConference: SPIE's Astronomical Telescopes andInstrumentation, Waikoloa, Hawaii, 22-28, August2002
Research OrgErnest Orlando Lawrence Berkeley NationalLaboratory, Berkeley, CA (US)
Sponsoring OrgUSDOE Director, Office of Science. Office of High Energy andNuclear Physics. Division of High Energy Physics
Description/Abstract The proposed SuperNova/Acceleration Probe (SNAP) mission will have a two-meter class telescope delivering diffraction-limited images to an instrumented 0.7 square-degree field sensitive in the visible and near-infrared wavelength regime. We describe the requirements for the instrument suite and the evolution of the focal plane design to the present concept in which all the instrumentation--visible and near-infrared imagers, spectrograph, and star guiders--share one common focal plane.
Country of PublicationUnited States
System Entry Date2006 Dec 29
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