Home > Electricity > Useful Thermal Output by Energy Source by Combined Heat and Power Producers

Useful Thermal Output by Energy Source by Combined Heat and Power Producers
Electric Power Annual with data for 2006
Report Released: October 22, 2007
Next Release Date: October 2008

Table 1.2.    xls     pdf   format     

Table 1.2.  Useful Thermal Output by Energy Source by Combined Heat and Power Producers, 1995 through 2006
(Billion Btus)
Natural Gas
Other Gases[3]
Other Renewables[4]
Total Combined Heat and Power
1995 386,403 120,790 686,182 144,715 768,338 44,389 2,150,817
1996 391,540 132,815 710,733 149,831 755,847 42,980 2,183,746
1997 388,944 136,742 712,683 150,144 785,306 53,361 2,227,180
1998 381,546 135,519 781,637 167,064 757,131 46,437 2,269,334
1999 385,926 125,486 810,918 178,971 744,470 47,871 2,293,642
2000 383,687 108,045 812,036 184,062 763,674 50,459 2,301,963
2001 354,204 90,308 740,979 132,937 584,560[R] 55,162[R] 1,958,151
2002 336,848 72,826 708,738 117,513 571,507[R] 48,264[R] 1,855,697
2003 333,361 85,263 610,122 110,263 632,368[R] 54,960[R] 1,826,335
2004 346,083 96,439 504,548 133,821 683,657[R] 40,131[R] 1,804,678
2005 356,901 97,035 445,160 137,124 726,825[R] 41,089[R] 1,804,133
2006 338,747 77,775 456,063 128,038 731,785 47,577 1,779,986
Combined Heat and Power, Electric Power
1995 40,427 13,044 117,994 4,344 26,910 249 202,968
1996 42,982 11,603 121,431 3,928 32,761 314 213,019
1997 39,437 11,823 132,125 7,746 30,147 29 221,307
1998 43,256 6,261 141,834 5,064 25,969 68 222,452
1999 52,061 6,718 145,525 3,548 30,172 28 238,052
2000 53,329 6,610 157,886 5,312 25,661 39 248,837
2001 51,515 6,087 164,206 4,681 12,676[R] 3,343[R] 242,508
2002 40,020 3,869 214,137 5,961 12,550[R] 4,732[R] 281,269
2003 38,249 7,379 200,077 9,282 19,786[R] 3,296[R] 278,068
2004 22,153 1,250 129,791 16,043 8,284[R] 1,441[R] 178,962
2005 25,273 1,162 118,313 31,932 10,150[R] 2,508[R] 189,337
2006 28,234 574 105,472 17,396 9,854 3,111 164,642
Combined Heat and Power, Commercial
1995 16,718 2,877 28,574 -- 15,223 1 63,393
1996 19,742 2,905 32,770 --[R] 18,057 -- 73,474
1997 21,958 3,832 39,893 20 20,232 -- 85,935
1998 20,185 4,853 38,510 34 18,426 -- 82,008
1999 20,479 3,298 36,857 --[R] 17,145 -- 77,779
2000 21,001 3,827 39,293 --[R] 17,613 -- 81,734
2001 18,495 4,118 34,923 -- 8,253[R] 5,770[R] 71,560
2002 18,477 2,743 36,265 -- 6,901[R] 4,801[R] 69,188
2003 22,780 2,716 16,955 -- 8,297[R] 6,142[R] 56,889
2004 23,753 4,023 21,418 -- 10,413[R] 6,599[R] 66,205
2005 21,088 3,412 22,218 -- 8,009[R] 5,461[R] 60,187
2006 20,504 2,269 27,508 1 8,422 5,563 64,267
Combined Heat and Power, Industrial
1995 329,258 104,869 539,614 140,371 726,205 44,139 1,884,456
1996 328,816 118,307 556,532 145,903 705,029 42,666 1,897,253
1997 327,549 121,087 540,665 142,378 734,927 53,332 1,919,938
1998 318,105 124,405 601,293 161,966 712,736 46,369 1,964,874
1999 313,386 115,470 628,536 175,423 697,153 47,843 1,977,811
2000 309,357 97,608 614,857 178,750 720,400 50,420 1,971,392
2001 284,194 80,103 541,850 128,256 563,631[R] 46,049[R] 1,644,083
2002 278,351 66,214 458,336 111,552 552,056[R] 38,731[R] 1,505,240
2003 272,332 75,168 393,090 100,981 604,285[R] 45,522[R] 1,491,378
2004 300,177 91,166 353,339 117,778 664,960[R] 32,091[R] 1,559,511
2005 310,540 92,461 304,629 105,192 708,666[R] 33,120[R] 1,554,609
2006 290,009 74,931 323,083 110,641 713,509 38,903 1,551,077
  [1] Anthracite, bituminous coal, subbituminous coal, lignite, waste coal, and synthetic coal.
  [2] Distillate fuel oil (all diesel and No. 1, No. 2, and No. 4 fuel oils), residual fuel oil (No. 5 and No. 6 fuel oils and bunker C fuel oil), jet fuel, kerosene, petroleum coke (converted to liquid petroleum, see Technical Notes for conversion methodology)
  [3] Blast furnace gas, propane gas, and other manufactured and waste gases derived from fossil fuels.
  [4] Wood, black liquor, other wood waste, municipal solid waste, landfill gas, sludge waste, tires, agriculture byproducts, other biomass,  and photovoltaic energy.
  [5] Non-biogenic municipal solid waste, batteries, chemicals, hydrogen, pitch, purchased steam, sulfur, tire-derived fuels and miscellaneous technologies..
  R = Revised. 
  Note: Totals may not equal sum of components because of independent rounding. 
  Source: Energy Information Administration, Form EIA-906, "Power Plant Report;" Energy Information Administration, Form EIA-920 "Combined Heat and Power Plant Report;" and predecessor forms.

More Tables on U.S. Electric Power Generation:
Table 1.1. Net Generation by Energy Source by Type of Producer html pdf xls
Table ES. Summary Statistics for the United States html pdf xls
Table 2.6. Capacity Additions and Retirements by Energy Source html pdf xls
Net Generation by
Table 1.1. Energy Source: Total (All Sectors) html   xls
Table 1.1.A.   Other Renewables: Total - All Sectors html   xls
Table 1.2   Energy Source: Electric Utilities html   xls
Table 1.3   Energy Source: Independent Power Producers html   xls
Table 1.4   Energy Source: Commercial Combined Heat and Power Sector html   xls
Table 1.5   Energy Source: Industrial Combined Heat and Power Sector html   xls
Table 1.6.A  State by Sector html   xls
Table 1.6.B  State by Sector, Year-to-Date html   xls
Net Generation from
1.7.A   Coal by State by Sector html   xls
1.7.B   Coal by State by Sector, Year-to-Date html   xls
1.8.A   Petroleum Liquids by State by Sector html   xls
1.8.B   Petroleum Liquids by State by Sector, Year-to-Date html   xls
1.9.A   Petroleum Coke by State by Sector html   xls
1.9.B   Petroleum Coke by State by Sector, Year-to-Date html   xls
1.10.A   Natural Gas by State by Sector html   xls
1.10.B   Natural Gas by State by Sector, Year-to-Date html   xls
1.11.A   Other Gases by State by Sector html   xls
1.11.B   Other Gases by State by Sector, Year-to-Date html   xls
1.12.A   Nuclear Energy by State by Sector html   xls
1.12.B   Nuclear Energy by State by Sector, Year-to-Date html   xls
1.13.A   Hydroelectric (Conventional) Power by State by Sector html   xls
1.13.B   Hydroelectric (Conventional) Power by State by Sector, Year-to-Date html   xls
1.14.A   Other Renewables by State by Sector html   xls
1.14.B   Other Renewables by State by Sector, Year-to-Date html   xls
1.15.A.   Hydroelectric (Pumped Storage) Power by State by Sector html   xls
1.15.B.   Hydroelectric (Pumped Storage) Power by State by Sector, Year-to-Date html   xls
1.16.A   Other Energy Sources by State by Sector html   xls
1.16.B   Other Energy Sources by State by Sector, Year-to-Date html   xls
Form EIA-906 and EIA-920 Databases   DBF
Net Generation by State by Type of Producer by Energy Source     xls

see also:
Electric Power Monthly
Electric Power Annual
annual electricity statistics back to 1949
projected electricity capacity to 2030
international electricity statistics