ORISE Business Areas

Independent Environmental Assessment and Verification

Science Education Programs

Occupational Exposure and Worker Studies

Professional and Technical Training

Radiation Emergency Assistance Center/Training Site

National Security and Emergency Management

Scientific Peer Reviews

Worker and Public Health Communication

Other Business Areas


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by Oak Ridge Associated Universities
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Home > Independent Environmental Assessment & Verification > Health Physics > Applied Health Physics Evaluations/Investigations

Independent Environmental Assesment and Verification

Applied Health Physics Evaluations/Investigations

Health Physics
Applied Health Physics Evaluations / Investigations
Audit Services for Radiological Facilities
Instrumentation Assessment
Standards Development
Health Physics Training

From nuclear forensics to dose modeling, the Oak Ridge Institute for Science and Education (ORISE) identifies, measures, and assesses the presence of radiological materials. We also advise on regulatory compliance issues.

Derived Concentration Guideline Level (DCGL) Technical Evaluations

As a facility goes through the steps in a Nuclear Regulatory Commission license termination process, the DCGL must be determined to define cleanup levels that will meet regulatory requirements. ORISE adopts a reasonable yet conservative approach to this analysis, utilizing industry accepted software codes and site specific data.

Technical Evaluations of Decommissioning Plans

Having performed site surveys of decommissioned sites for more than 25 years, ORISE is well positioned to evaluate decommissioning plans against federal requirements. ORISE conducts technical assessments including the development of technical evaluation reports and final status survey plans for the NRC and DOE.


For more information

Sarah Roberts, CHP
Assoc. Program Director

Conducting a survey