Young boy accessing a communication device.  Photo courtesy of Prentke-Romich Company Inc.
SAVE THE DATES for these TATN Events:
Texas Assistive Technology Regional Conference
June 15 - 17, 2009
Region 4 ESC
Houston, TX
contact: Angela Standridge
(713) 744-6559
Assistive Technology Cluster Conference
July 28 - 30, 2009
Region 10 ESC
Gayle McNurlen (Region 10)
(972) 348-1598
Sherry Haeusler (Region 11)
(817) 740-7594
Welcome to TATN!
Assistive technology enables students with disabilities to access the curriculum, increase independence and participate actively in education and life activities.

The Texas Assistive Technology Network (TATN) is working to ensure that students with disabilities receive assistive technology devices and services when needed to benefit from a free, appropriate public education. The TATN consists of representatives from each of the Texas Education Services Centers, and the Texas Education Agency (TEA). Region 4 Education Service Center (Region 4) in Houston, TX provides statewide leadership for the network.
Through a comprehensive planning process, the TATN has developed a framework for statewide collaboration. Priorities in professional development and technical assistance focus on providing training, products and services that:
  • build district capacity in assistive technology knowledge and skills
  • promote strategies for building the literacy skills of all students, and
  • are aligned with statewide literacy initiatives.
What's new?
Accessible Instructional Materials (AIM)
May 8, 2008
New -- "Making Decisions about Accessible Instructional Materials: What ARD Committees Need to Know"
PEIMS Memo Updated
April 29, 2008
Young man listening with headphones
QIAT Survey
NEW! See results from the 2007/08 survey.

2008/09 survey is not available at the moment. Check back in a few weeks.
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