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Udder Shields ..............................  119 / 852
Uhf Transmitter ............................  455 / 91+
Uhf Triode .................................  313 / 293+
Ukulele See Guitar  
Ullage Rods ................................  33 / 721+
Ultramarine ................................  106 / 414
Ultrasonic (See Supersonic)  
    Bonding, non-metallic ..................  156 / 73.1+
    Dental device ..........................  433 / 119
        Dispensing .........................  433 / 86
        Used in reaction to prepare ........  204 / 157.15+
        Inorganic or organic material ......  204 / 157.15+
        Used in reaction to prepare or .....  522 / 100+
        Treat synthetic resin or ...........  522 / 100+
        Natural rubber .....................  522 / 100+
    Hazardous or toxic waste ...............  588
    Destruction ............................  588
    Vibration measuring & testing ..........  73 / 570
        Instrument proving or ..............  73 / 1.82+
        Calibrating ........................  73 / 1.82+
    Welding apparatus ......................  228 / 1.1
    Welding process ........................  228 / 110.1+
Ultrasonic Repeller ........................  D22 / 120
Ultrasound Contrast Agents (in Vivo) .......  424 / 9.5+
Ultraviolet (See Wave Energy)  
    Anti-ultraviolet fading ................  430 / 931*
    Apparatus and applications .............  250 / 493.1
    Arc lamp generator .....................  313 / 112
    Arc lamp generator .....................  314
    Bleaching processes ....................  8 / 102
    Chemical reactor apparatus .............  422 / 186.3
    Drying processes .......................  34 / 275+
    Dyeing processes .......................  8 / 444
    Filters ................................  359 / 350+
    Generators .............................  250 / 504 R+
    Hazardous or toxic waste ...............  588
    Destruction ............................  588
    Lamp supply circuits ...................  315
    Lamps structure ........................  313 / 112
    Preserving sterilizing and .............  422 / 24
    Disinfecting methods ...................  422 / 24
    Ray treatment ..........................  250 / 428+
        Food preserving ....................  426
        Sterilizing ........................  422 / 21+
    Signaling with .........................  398 / 1+
    Solar drying apparatus .................  34 / 93
    Sterilizing food & beverages ...........  426 / 248
    Surgical ...............................  607 / 1+
    Treatment of fluids ....................  250 / 428+
    Used in reaction to prepare ............  204 / 157.15+
    Inorganic or organic material ..........  204 / 157.15+
    Used in reaction to prepare or .........  522 / 1+
    Treat synthetic resin or ...............  522 / 1+
    Natural rubber .........................  522 / 1+
Umber ......................................  423
Umbrella ...................................  135 / 15.1+
    Awnings ................................  160 / 53
    Carrier body and belt attached .........  224 / 186+
        Folded umbrella ....................  224 / 915*
    Combined with other devices ............  135 / 16+
    Design .................................  D03 / 5+
    Frame making ...........................  29 / 25
    Handles ................................  D03 / 12+
    Locks ..................................  70 / 59
    Rack ...................................  211 / 62+
    Sewing tips to cover ...................  112 / 104+
    Stand ..................................  D06 / 416
    Sticks .................................  135 / 65+
    With electric light ....................  362 / 102
Unauthorized Copy Prevention  
    Electrophotographic copier .............  399 / 366
Unbalanced to Balanced  
    In an amplifier stage ..................  330 / 117
    With phase inverter ....................  330 / 117
    Railway coupling .......................  213 / 211+
        Cushioned hand controlling .........  213 / 17
        Janney type ........................  213 / 159+
Underchecks ................................  54 / 57
    Block molding machines .................  425 / 289+
    Patterns ...............................  164 / 245
    Land vehicle ...........................  280 / 781+
        Dropped frames .....................  280 / 2
    Railway car ............................  105 / 413+
    Tables .................................  248 / 163.1+
        Horizontally supported planar ......  108
        Surface ............................  108
            Combined with other surface ....  108 / 50.01
            Industrial platform ............  108 / 51.11+
            Vertically adjustable ..........  108 / 144.11+
        Surface separable from support .....  108 / 157.1+
            Attachable to arm chair ........  108 / 157.11
            Detachable ironing board .......  108 / 157.12
            Detachable shelf-type ..........  108 / 157.13
Undergarments ..............................  D02 / 700+
    Antennas ...............................  343 / 719
    Conduits ...............................  138 / 105
    Electric cable .........................  174 / 37+
    Electric conductor .....................  174 / 37+
    Hazardous or toxic waste ...............  588
    Containment ............................  588
    Shelter ................................  52 / 169.6+
    Water locator ..........................  181
Underpinning ...............................  405 / 230
Undertaking ................................  27
    Body preparation .......................  27 / 21.1+
    Coffins ................................  27 / 2+
    Compositions ...........................  424 / 75
    Boat design ............................  D12 / 308
    Camera .................................  D16 / 204
    Earth boring ...........................  175 / 5
    Explosive spear ........................  102 / 371
    Guns ...................................  42 / 1.14+
    Hazardous or toxic waste ...............  588
    Containment ............................  588
    Wells, submerged .......................  166 / 335
Underwater Use .............................  106 / 639
    Cement compositions ....................  106 / 639
    Drawers ................................  2 / 400+
    Knitted ................................  66 / 170+
    Particular to female ...................  2 / 406+
    Particular to male .....................  2 / 403+
    Union type  
        Bifurcated .........................  2 / 78.1+
        Skirted ............................  2 / 73
    Unisex .................................  2 / 400+
    Waists .................................  2 / 109+
Unearthing Plants or Buried Objects ........  171
Unicyclic Non-Repeat  
    Cutting machine actuation ..............  83 / 203+
        Selective cutting or punching ......  234 / 51
Uniform Product Code (Upc)  
    Sensing product ........................  705 / 23
Uniforms ...................................  2
    Design dress with apron ................  D02 / 740
Union Suits ................................  2 / 70+
    Generator system .......................  322 / 48
    Machine structure ......................  310 / 178
Unitary Construction, Power Plant ..........  60 / 916*
Uniting (See Assembling)  
    Electrolysis ...........................  205 / 114
    Nailing and stapling ...................  227
        Glass molds ........................  65 / 156
        Glass processes ....................  65 / 47+
    Plastic molding ........................  264 / 241+
    Preform with molding material ..........  249 / 83+
    Warp threads ...........................  28 / 209+
Universal Joints ...........................  403 / 57+
    Ball and socket ........................  403 / 122+
    Making .................................  29 / 434+
    Shafting ...............................  464 / 106+
Unloading and Unloaders  
    Aircraft in flight .....................  258 / 1.2+
    Bin unloading by conveyer ..............  198 / 550.1+
    Chutes .................................  193 / 4+
    Conveyor belt ..........................  198 / 637+
    Conveyor belt, impinging fluid .........  198 / 493+
    Dump scows .............................  114 / 27+
    Marine type ............................  414 / 137.1+
    Moving train ...........................  104 / 18+
    Nuclear reactor fuel removal ...........  376 / 261+
    Pump (see regulation) .................  417 / 279+
    Railway dump cars ......................  105 / 239+
    Railway mail delivery ..................  258
    Scattering non-fluid material ..........  239 / 650+
    Self unloading vehicles ................  414 / 467
    Vehicle with external means ............  414 / 373+
    Washing machines .......................  68 / 210
Unmoderated Nuclear Reactions Fast .........  376 / 171
Unmoderated Nuclear Reactions Fast .........  376 / 348
    Articles ...............................  414 / 795.4+
        Bucket .............................  198 / 701+
        Bulk material ......................  198 / 506+
        Collecting from static support .....  198 / 519+
        Establishing & moving groupings ....  198 / 418+
        Rearranging streams of articles ....  198 / 434+
    Acrylic esters preparation .............  560 / 205+
    Carboxylic acid esters  
        Acyclic ............................  560 / 205
        Alicyclic ..........................  560 / 128
        Aromatic ...........................  560 / 8
        Monocyclic .........................  560 / 104
    Diolefin preparation by ................  585 / 616
    Fatty oils or acids ....................  554 / 223+
        Formation of unsaturated bond ......  554 / 127
    Olifin preparation .....................  585 / 654+
Untwisting (See Twisting) .................  57 / 1 UN
Unwinding ..................................  242 / 128
    Preventers .............................  206 / 53+
Unwinding Elongated Material ...............  242 / 550+
    Round hay bale handling ................  414 / 24.6
    Apparatus ..............................  57 / 1 UN
    Warp preparation including .............  28 / 176
    Bed bottom & pad .......................  5 / 401+
    Chair bottoms and backs ................  297 / 452.16+
    Cushion ................................  5 / 652+
    Making .................................  29 / 91+
        Machines for sewing ................  112 / 470.27
    Mattress ...............................  5 / 690+
        Separable cover ....................  5 / 738
        Stuffing ...........................  53 / 524
    Trim ...................................  428 / 123
    Tufting button fastener ................  24 / 902*
    Lacing .................................  12 / 58.5
    Loose shaping ..........................  12 / 54.1
    Shoe ...................................  36 / 45+
        Design .............................  D02 / 969+
        Making machine .....................  12 / 51
        Sole attaching outturned ...........  36 / 16
    Forging press for ......................  72
        Bolt heading .......................  470 / 57+
        Dies ...............................  72 / 395
        Tire ...............................  72 / 305
        Tube ...............................  72 / 370.03
    Tire with cutting punching etc .........  29 / 22
Uracil, in Drug ............................  514 / 274
    Alloys .................................  420 / 1+
    Compositions, radio active ............  252 / 625+
    Compound recovery, inorganic ...........  423 / 253+
    Electrolytic production ................  205 / 46+
    Metallurgy .............................  75 / 398+
    Nuclear fuel material ..................  376 / 180
    Nuclear fuel material ..................  376 / 409
    Nuclear fuel material ..................  376 / 901*
    Organic compounds ......................  534 / 11+
Ureas ......................................  564 / 32+
    Acyclic ................................  564 / 58+
    Adducts ................................  564 / 1.5
    Alicyclic ..............................  564 / 57
    Aromatic ...............................  564 / 47+
    Disazo compounds .......................  534 / 817+
    N-nitro or n-nitroso ...................  564 / 33
    Resins from aldehydes with .............  528 / 259+
    Stabilized or preserved ................  564 / 3
    Sulfo acids ............................  562 / 47+
    Synthetic rubber or natural rubber .....  525 / 346+
    Accelerator ............................  525 / 346+
    Testing for ............................  436 / 108
    Tetrakisazo compounds ..................  534 / 807
    Thio ...................................  564 / 17+
    Urea per se or salt, preparation .......  564 / 63
        From ammonia & carbon dioxide ......  564 / 67+
        From ammonia & carbon monoxide .....  564 / 65
        Or carbon oxysulfide ...............  564 / 65
        From ammonium carbamate ............  564 / 166
        From cyano compound ................  564 / 64
        Purification or recovery ...........  564 / 73
Ureides (See Ureas)  
Urethane ...................................  560 / 157
Urethrorrhoeal Collectors of Body ..........  604 / 317+
    Fluids .................................  604 / 317
Urethroscopes ..............................  600 / 101+
Urethrotome ................................  606 / 170
Uric Acid ..................................  544 / 266
    Tests for ..............................  436 / 99
Uridine ....................................  536 / 28.53
    Design .................................  D23 / 302
    Dry closet .............................  4 / 144.1+
    Guards .................................  4 / DIG 5
    Water closet ...........................  4 / 301+
Urinalysis Apparatus .......................  422 / 68.1+
    Test kit ...............................  D24 / 223
    Urine collector ........................  D24 / 122
    Burial .................................  27 / 1
        Design .............................  D99 / 5
    Top for heating stove ..................  126 / 219
Urocanic Acid ..............................  548 / 341.5
Urological See Surgery  
UROTROPIN™    ..............................  544 / 185
Usnic Acid .................................  549 / 461
    Meter ..................................  D10 / 99+
        Automated ..........................  705 / 412
            Data protected by cryptography .  705 / 63

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