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Oregon Workforce Investment Board Policies
Workforce Investment Area Designation
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Criteria for Local Boards & Procedures Governor will use to Certify Local Boards
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Data Collection for Performance Measures
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Fee for Service
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Funding Allocations for WIA Title I Adult & Youth Programs
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Performance Accountability Policy to Implement System-Wide Measurement
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Establishing a Youth Standing Committee of the OWIB
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WIA Registration for Adult & Dislocated Worker Customers
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One-Stop Definitions
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Avoiding Conflicts of Interest by Separating Governance & Service Delivery Functions
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Hard to Serve Populations: Exception to Individual Training Accounts
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Dislocated Worker Funding Formula
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Incumbent Worker Services
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MOU Impasse Resolution
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Procedure & Criteria for Eligible Training Provider Certification & ITA's
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 PDF File Size:  69 KB

Page updated: June 21, 2007

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