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2008 Legislative Session

At the start of the 2008 legislative session, the Lingle-Aiona Administration submitted a set of bold initiatives focusing on enhancing Hawai`i residents' quality of life by achieving energy independence and building an innovation economy, protecting our unique natural resources and investing in Hawai`i’s infrastructure. 
As she has done every legislative session for the past six years, the Governor sought the public's input as part of an open and comprehensive review process of the 294 bills passed by the Legislature this year, taking into careful consideration over 1,900 email, fax and phone call comments that were received on the bills. In addition, her staff gained valuable information through meetings that included public discussions on neighbor islands.
The perspectives and analysis on particular pieces of legislation provided by individuals, industry associations, and legislators helped provide a complete understanding of how the bills would affect communities across the state.
In total, the Governor vetoed 53 bills this year for reasons including significant negative impacts on the public, budgetary implications, legal or constitutional concerns, potential unintended consequences, micromanagement of department operations and efforts to usurp the executive branch's authority.
As the Lingle-Aiona Administration prepares for the 2009 legislative session, the Governor will continue working with partners in the public and private sectors to improve the quality of life for Hawai`i residents with a steady focus on increased energy independence and emphasis on innovation.



New Laws Enacted

Bill Signing Ceremonies

Veto Messages


Governor's General Messages and Reports to the Legislature

State of the State Address

2008 Initiatives

PDF: 2008 Initiatives

Legislative Fact Sheets

Administration's Proposals

Contact your Legislators
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