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Governor Linda Lingle

Personal Message:

Biography Box
Awards Box


Thank you for visiting my website. I hope you will use the rich multi-media content on this site to learn about what my Administration is doing to improve the quality of life for all of Hawai‘i’s people and that you will also be inspired to become more involved in your state government.

There is no place on earth like Hawai‘i. This is why in addition to programs and initiatives aimed at improving health care, modernizing our infrastructure, enhancing our students’ education and increasing the availability of affordable housing, my Administration is also focused on preserving those aspects of life that make these islands unique.

An ongoing focus for my Administration is advancing different components of our Hawai‘i Innovation Initiative. The goal of the initiative is to transform our economy to one that is stronger, more diverse and is based on the innovation capacity of our people, rather than land development and the use of our natural resources. You will find many positive signs of progress on this site, including an exciting surge in robotics programs in our schools that are helping to teach our young people the skills and knowledge they need to compete successfully in the 21st century.

Another top priority for my Administration is increasing our state’s energy independence. In January 2008, we launched the Hawai‘i Clean Energy Initiative, a unique partnership with the U.S. Department of Energy that aims to have at least 70 percent of Hawai‘i’s power come from clean energy by 2030. Throughout my site, you will find updates on what is being accomplished in this important area and ways in which Hawai‘i is becoming a national and world energy leader.

My Administration remains focused on promoting innovation across all sectors, with the goal of raising residents’ standard of living and paving the way to a brighter future for our state. I encourage you to find new ways to contribute and make a difference by contacting my office by phone at (808) 586-0034 or at


Governor Linda Lingle


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