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Administration Leads by Example in Clean Energy

        Hawai`i Energy for Tomorrow


     Hawai‘i is known around the world for constant sunshine, strong tradewinds, powerful waves, volcanic activity and a climate that creates year-round growing seasons. Rather than just promoting those abundant natural resources to tourists, our island state is utilizing them to embark on a pioneering effort to build an economy based primarily on renewable energy. The Lingle-Aiona Administration’s goal is for Hawai‘i to become world-renowned as a model for clean energy use, and to have the same sun, wind, waves and weather that draw visitors to also attract government leaders, scientists and businesspeople eager to follow our lead.

     This isn’t simply a desire for Hawai‘i’s future – it’s a necessity.

     Hawai‘i is the most oil dependent state in America, with 90 percent of our energy supply derived from imported fossil fuels. The unconnected power grids of our islands and our location as the world’s most isolated archipelago add to the challenges. As a result, we pay the highest utility rates and transportation fuel costs in the nation.

    Hawai‘i’s energy paradigm must fundamentally change, and it must be an urgent, rapid transformation. With each passing day, energy independence becomes a more critical issue for our environment, economy and security.

     Our Administration will not wait for incremental change to happen. Hawai‘i will lead by example. In 2004, our state implemented a requirement that gasoline sold in the islands be mixed with 10 percent ethanol.  In 2006, Governor Lingle signed Energy for Tomorrow legislation that initiated a fundamental change in Hawai‘i’s energy policy. In 2007, the Governor signed the Global Warming Solutions Act, which mandates that statewide greenhouse gas emissions be reduced to 1990 levels by the year 2020.

    In January, Governor Lingle announced the Hawai‘i Clean Energy Initiative, an unprecedented and innovative partnership with the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) that aims to have at least 70 percent of Hawai‘i’s power come from clean energy by 2030.  Hawai‘i is the only state in the nation to have signed this type of partnership.

     Through the Hawai‘i Clean Energy Initiative, our state will become a testbed of technology, a focus of DOE knowledge and resources, and a place for private companies to launch new ventures. Solar, wind, wave, geothermal and bioenergy projects will power our daily lives.

    All residents and businesses have a role in Hawai‘i’s energy future. Whether it’s changing to compact florescent lightbulbs at home or installing solar panels on a store rooftop, everyone must take personal responsibility.

     Developing energy independence makes economic sense and is good for business. It diversifies the economy, generates new businesses, develops a skilled workforce and advances technology. Imagine the possibilities if the billions of dollars spent importing oil to Hawai‘i were instead invested in our local economy. It’s part of the clean energy future we are pursuing.

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