National Institute for Literacy

[FocusOnBasics] Changes on the List

Barbara Garner b.garner4 at
Mon Nov 28 21:17:25 EST 2005

Dear FOB list subscribers,

As of Wednesday, the "Focus on Basics" discussion list will have a new moderator, Julie McKinney. I will continue to edit "Focus on Basics", and I will be an active participant on the list.

Why the switch? All the NIFL discussion lists are changing to fully-moderated mode. Julie will be able to give the list more time than I can, will bring on guest "writers," and will breathe new life into the list.

We hope you won't experience any significant lag between when you submit a posting and when it is posted. Julie will check for messages at least twice each business day, and fairly constantly whenever she is at her computer, which tends to be at least two hours a day. When Julie is away from the office, a substitute moderator will step in.

The National Institute for Literacy (NIFL) Focus on Basics
List will continue to be co-sponsored by the National Center for the Study of Adult Learning and Literacy (NCSALL), which publishes "Focus on Basics," and NIFL.

Julie will introduce herself on Wednesday. NIFL will also post an announcement about the change.

I look forward to continuing to communicate with "Focus on Basics'" readers via the list.

And, for those who've read all the way down to here, you'll be pleased to learn that the next issue of "Focus on Basics" will soon be released onto the Web at!

As always,

Barb Garner
Editor, "Focus on Basics"

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