Footnotes for
Table 3.12. Government Social Benefits

These footnotes correspond to those used for the published tables, which show data in billions of dollars and 2-decimal places, and may not completely apply to the tables in millions of dollars and 3-decimal places. The published tables may be found using the link:

1. Consists of payments for medical services for dependents of active duty military personnel at nonmilitary facilities.
2. Consists of mustering out pay, terminal leave pay, and adjusted compensation benefits.
3. Consists largely of payments to nonprofit institutions, aid to students, and payments for medical services for retired military personnel and their dependents at nonmilitary facilities.
4. Consists of general medical assistance and state child health care programs.
5. Consists of aid to families with dependent children and, beginning with 1996, assistance programs operating under the Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act of 1996.
6. Prior to 1974, consists of old-age assistance, aid to the blind, and aid to the permanently and totally disabled, when the programs were partly federally funded.
7. Consists of expenditures for food under the supplemental program for women, infants, and children; foster care; adoption assistance; and payments to nonprofit welfare institutions.
8. Consists largely of veterans benefits, Alaska dividends, and crime-victim payments.
9. Consists of Federal Government social benefits to the rest of the world. Prior to 1960, government social benefits to the rest of the world are included in other current transfer payments to the rest of the world (net) in table 3.1.
