IBB Office of Civil Rights Mentoring Program Page

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2004 International Broadcasting Bureau Mentoring Program

The Program Goals

The International Broadcasting Bureau's (IBB), Office of Civil Rights (OCR) coordinates an annual mentoring program to provide career guidance and support to Agency employees. Although entering into a mentoring partnership does not guarantee advancement, mentoring is widely recognized as one of the most valuable forms of career development for employees. The program is designed to provide employees with opportunities to expand or refocus their skills through training, counseling, and guidance. As a result, they will develop the various technical and interpersonal skills necessary to enhance their job productivity and succeed in today's challenging workforce. All mentorees will be encouraged to participate in a rotational assignment and will receive training funds for appropriate training identified through their individual development plan (IDP).

The formal mentoring process capitalizes on the experience of successful senior employees (mentors) who volunteer to commit their time and expertise in providing interested employees (mentorees) help in developing their careers. The partnership is based upon encouragement, constructive comments, openness, mutual trust, respect and a willingness to learn and share.

Program Benefits

The mentoring program will help employees to:

  • Enhance skill development and job productivity.

  • Build confidence through reinforced positive self-expectations.

  • Receive a broader view of IBB and how his/her work impacts upon the mission.
  • Grow personally and professionally through meaningful leadership development opportunities.

The mentoring program will also help IBB to:

  • Assist employees in determining their goals and realizing their potential.

  • Progress toward diversity and equal opportunity in the workplace.

  • Create a learning environment where mentoring is an integral part of IBB's organizational culture.

How Does The Program Work?

OCR is seeking volunteers to participate as mentorees and mentors. Mentors will serve in four coaching roles --teacher, counselor, challenger and guide. Employees selected to participate in the program will engage in an eight-month formal mentoring partnership. Efforts will be made to match mentorees with mentors who can best support their developmental needs.

The Program Coordinator and the Director of OCR will review all information and recommend appropriate partnerships based on the mentor's capability to support the needs of the mentoree.

Employees selected to participate in the program will receive formal mentoring training designed to provide both mentoree and mentor with the knowledge needed to successfully launch their mentoring partnerships. In addition, mentors and mentorees will participate in a mid-point evaluation to access the effectiveness of the program and the progress of their partnerships. During the mentoring program's close out event, an Agency certificate will be presented to mentors and mentorees in recognition of their successful participation/completion of the program.

Roles and Responsibilities

Mentors and Mentorees will:

  • Attend a Dynamic Mentoring orientation, developmental workshops and progress review (mandatory.)

  • Meet with their partners at least one hour per week (mandatory.)

  • Define and develop a mentoring action plan (mandatory.)

Who Is Eligible to Participate?

All IBB employees at all grade levels (civil service, foreign service, wage grade, GM).

Mentorees--Employees should posses a strong desire in developing their skills and expanding their organizational knowledge. They must be willing to commit the time and efforts to actively participate in the mentoring program.

Mentors--Senior level employees (GS-12 and above) who have demonstrated excellence in their careers are encouraged to apply as mentors. They must possess tact, diplomacy and sensitivity in interacting with IBB's diverse work force, consisting of employees of various age groups, cultures, and ethnic backgrounds, and with varying degrees of abilities.

Mentoring partners must be willing to honor the principles of trust, respect, and confidentiality.

Mentoring Program Features

Partnership Meetings -- Partnerships will determine appropriate meeting times and will meet four hours per month during work hours. These meetings will allow mentorees time to interact with their mentors, gain insight on how to increase confidence, discover methods for overcoming obstacles and explore career options and learning opportunities.

The Mentoring program also features many group and developmental activities, such as:

Training Opportunities - Appropriate training will be identified for mentorees and funded through the program.

Rotational Work Assignments and Job Shadowing Opportunities - Mentorees will be required to participate in a rotational work assignment or job shadowing assignment to increase their knowledge, develop working relationships and gain exposure.

Mentoring Forums - Monthly structured forums, will be scheduled to enhance the mentoring experience.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the time frame for the program?

Employees selected to participate must commit to an eight-month formal mentoring partnership. Although the formal support will end after the eight month, participants may continue their partnerships on an informal basis. Time spent on developmental activities will vary depending on the mentoree=s needs. It is recommended that partners meet at least one hour per week during work hours. Each partnership will work out their scheduled times to meet and must receive prior approval from their supervisors to attend these meetings.

What if you are not satisfied with your partnership match?

If a participant is not pleased with their partner, he/she should contact the Program Coordinator and every effort will be made to find a suitable partner. Further, a partner may withdraw from a partnership if problems arise that cannot be resolved.

Does the supervisor have a role in the mentoring process?

Yes, prior to the start of the program supervisors will be notified by OCR of selected employees' participation in the program. In an effort to solicit their support, supervisors will be invited to attend a mentoring orientation to inform them of the program's goals and objectives and to discuss their roles and responsibilities. Supervisors will be asked to assist the mentoree and mentor with the mentoring action plan. They should also help to remove roadblocks that may prevent employees from actively participating in the Mentoring Program.

How Can I Apply to the Mentoring Program?

To apply to the program, employees must complete the Mentor or Mentoree Application Form. Please respond to all questions, as your responses will assist us in identifying a suitable mentoring partner for you. All applications must be submitted to OCR on August 15, 2003. Please mail or bring your applications to the Office of Civil Rights, Room 1086, Switzer Building.


After careful review of all applications the Program Coordinator and the Director of OCR will recommend partnerships based on information provided. Initial contacts with selectees maybe necessary to aid in determining suitable partners. OCR will notify all participants and their supervisors on or before August 20.


| Printable Mentor application |          | Printable Mentoree application |