National Institute for Literacy

[WomenLiteracy 595] Re: Update on Women and Literacy list

Karen Wyman karenw at
Thu Oct 19 09:00:25 EDT 2006

Hi Daphne,
I have mixed feelings about the merging of the two lists. While I see lots
of connections, intersections and overlap between the two lists, I'm not
sure merging them best serves the interests of either. Would there be a
way to send digests of what's being discussed to the two lists so we are
aware of discussions being held? Or to cross-post relevant discussions?
I'm not familiar with the content and "atmosphere" of the Poverty, Race,
and Literacy list, so I don't know how much similarity there is. I do
think it is important to maintain this list's commitment to accessible and
gentle communication.

The Women and Literacy Discussion List <womenliteracy at> on
Wednesday, October 18, 2006 at 9:08 PM -0500 wrote:

>I am wondering how people on this list feel about the merging of the

>Women and Literacy List with the Poverty, Race, and Literacy list? Any

>reactions? Happiness? Disappointment? Concern? Excitement?



>>>> "Nguyen, My Linh" <Mylinh.Nguyen at> 10/18/06 11:37 AM >>>

> Dear Discussion List subscribers,


> As the National Institute for Literacy enters a new fiscal year,


>have taken steps to streamline the way we deliver professional


>to our discussion list members. A major change that will directly affect


>is the merging of the Poverty, Race and Literacy List with the Women and

>Literacy List starting November 6, 2006.


> We will continue to provide access to discussion archives on our



> We have chosen to combine the two lists because we recognize


>many of the issues that impact one group also affect the other group,


> believe that many of the topics discussed on one list can


>the other list. For that reason, we decided to combine the lists to


> list members access to the latest ideas and information


>Race and gender issues often intersect, and it is most both practical


> appropriate to have them intersect on one combined list.


> We know that many members of our two lists, especially members


>our Women's list, view the lists as safe havens where issues can be


> and discussed. We want you to know that we will continue to


>your input and will maintain the same high level of sensitivity and


> we have always shown our list members. In combining the two


>Daphne Greenberg will serve as the moderator for the new combined list.


>experience with women's literacy has enabled her to moderate the women's

>list with the right balance of sensitivity and insight that is necessary


>such a list. And we know that in assuming the responsibility of the new

>list, she will bring the same balance to the Poverty, Race, Women, and

>Literacy list.


> The Institute will be inviting current subscribers for both the

>Poverty, Race Literacy List and the Women and Literacy List to the new


> Poverty, Race, Women and Literacy List. Once you receive the

>invitation, you will need to confirm your subscription to the Poverty,

> Race, Women and Literacy List.


> We encourage you to be an active participant in the new list by

>sharing your unique perspectives to help make the Poverty, Race, Women


> Literacy List a dynamic resource for information and




>My Linh Nguyen

>Associate Director of Communications

>National Institute for Literacy

>(202) 233-2041

>fax (202) 233-2050

>mnguyen at



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Karen Wyman

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