National Institute for Literacy

[WomenLiteracy 437] Science and Math Professional Development initiative for ABE, GED, and ESL

Daphne Greenberg alcdgg at
Wed Jul 12 15:18:12 EDT 2006

Oregon has been engaged in a collaborative two year Science and Math professional development initiative for our ABE/GED and ESL teachers. We are thrilled to share with other states that two Oregon adult literacy instructors were chosen to go on Teacher at Sea Expeditions to the Mariana Arc and the Antarctic with the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. These are amazing opportunities for the field of adult education and for our instructors, many of whom are part time.
Students, instructors, and the general public can follow the second expedition to the Antarctic from July 3 - August 15, and learn about the scientific research at the Polar Science Station website <>; The website includes background information, photos, learning activities, links to other resources about Antarctica, and journal logs sent from the ship during the expedition.
You can write to Marian Tyson or other scientists while they are at sea by using the "Contact Marian" button on the Polar Science Station website, or directly to mtyson at <mailto:mtyson at>. This project builds a special connection between a trained ABE instructor and all adult education professionals and their students.
For more details and to download a flyer on this initiative, go to

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