National Institute for Literacy

[WomenLiteracy 411] Adult Numeracy Network

Judy Ward j.e.ward at
Thu Jun 29 17:44:24 EDT 2006

Since noon central time tomorrow is the end of this particular discussion I
thought providing some information about ANN would be appropriate.

In April 1990 a group of Adult Basic Education teachers addressed the
National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM) General Meeting in Salt
Lake City, asking NCTM to "extend its agenda to adults". As a result, in
1992 NCTM agreed to co-sponsor a conference with Adult Education
Organizations. In 1994, NCTM, The National Center on Adult Literacy (NCAL)
and OVAE co-sponsored "The Working Conference on Adult Mathematical
Literacy". The Adult Numeracy Practitioners Network (ANPN) was formed at
that meeting. The Math Practitioner, a quarterly newsletter, and the
NUMERACY listserv were established.

In 1995 a planning grant was awarded to ANPN by NIFL to begin developing
Content Standards and a reform plan for the ABE system. This was an early
phase of the Equipped for the Future initiative. ANPN submitted the report
to NIFL in 1996. The title of the report was "A Framework for Adult Numeracy
Standards: The Mathematical Skills and Abilities Adult Need to be Equipped
for the Future".

In 1998 ANPN changed the name to Adult Numeracy Network (ANN). Ann is an
affiliate of both the NCTM and the Commission on Adult Basic Education
(COABE). ANN members are active in both state and national organizations by
giving presentations and workshops to increase awareness of the need for
numeracy instruction in adult education.

During the last year, ANN developed Teaching and Learning Principles that
address both the curriculum and learning environment for teaching
mathematics to the adult learner. In addition Professional Development
Principles were developed that address both the design and content of
mathematics professional development.

Last April ANN presented a Pre Conference session at the COABE meeting in
Houston where practitioners from 21 different states attended the day long
session. The newly developed teaching and learning principles were
successfully integrated into the session. All participants agreed that the
activities along with the new principles made for a great day!

Next spring ANN will be in Philadelphia for COABE. Plan to be there for our
Pre Conference session and presentations during the regular session.

Our website is A membership form can be
downloaded from the website. Membership provides a newsletter, The Math
Practitioner, 3 times a year. The newsletter includes numeracy activities
that can be used with your students as well as general news for the adult
practitioner. Also, as a member you will be part of a group dedicated to
increasing awareness of the importance of numeracy.


Judy Ward, Ed.D.
6886 Young Farm Avenue
Springdale, AR 72762
Phone: 479.361.2223
Fax: 479.361.2223
Email: j.e.ward at

Arkansas Adult Numeracy Campaign
Teaching Mathematics Effectively to Adult Learners

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