National Institute for Literacy

[WomenLiteracy 316] Re: FWD: Assessment in Mathematics

jataylor jataylor at
Wed Jun 14 09:52:08 EDT 2006

Hello Bertie,
Yes, to participate, you will need to subscribe to the Assessment Discussion
List. Visit:

For those only subscribing for the duration of the discussion, you can then
unsubscribe after it's over by using the same link.

Hope that helps,

Jackie Taylor

>===== Original Message From Bertha Mo <bertiemo at> =====

>Do I need to sign-up somewhere to participate on this discussion?


> Best,


> Bertie Mo, Ph.D., MPH


>jataylor <jataylor at> wrote:

> To subscribe to this discussion, go to:




>Dear Colleagues,


>I hope this email finds you well.


>I'm pleased to announce the following Guest Discussion, which will begin on

>Monday of next week:


>June 19 – 23, 2006


>Topic: Assessment in Mathematics

>Guest: Myrna Manly – please see Myrna’s bio below.


>Myrna will respond to your email posts once per day – feel free to send your

>post to the Assessment Discussion List, or to me so that I can post it for


>(marie.cora at




>Myrna Manly, a mathematics teacher with experience at many academic levels,

>retired in 2001 from a position as professor of mathematics at El Camino

>College. In addition to instruction, she has been involved with the


>of the mathematics proficiency of adults in various roles: as the Mathematics

>Specialist for the 1988 version of the GED test; as a member of the numeracy

>team for the Adult Literacy and Lifeskills Survey (ALL); and as the numeracy

>consultant for a similar international survey to be used in developing

>countries, the Literacy Assessment and Monitoring Programme (LAMP). She is


>Past President of the Adult Numeracy Network (ANN), is the author of The GED

>Math Problem Solver, and also works with states and programs facilitating

>staff-development workshops aimed at improving mathematics instruction to



>Myrna is presently writing a paper with Mary Jane Schmidt and Lynda Ginsburg

>on the components of numeracy for NCSALL (National Center for the Study of

>Adult Learning and Literacy). The paper reviews the literature, describes the

>fundamental elements of adult numeracy, and makes recommendations for further

>research, particularly with respect to curriculum and assessment. Look for

>this resource soon from NCSALL.


>Recommended preparations for this discussion


>Myrna has provided several questions below to get you thinking about math



>It is known that students and teachers come to value what is assessed. What


>your opinion of the influence that the standardized mathematics assessments

>(GED, TABE, CASAS) have in your classrooms? Are they assessing the


>that is important for the 21st century? Do you think that they all assess the

>same mathematics? What do you think is missing from each?



>Computation skills are easy to assess. How can we assess other important

>aspects of mathematics like strategic problem solving, conceptual

>understanding, and reasoning?



>Describe instances where you have seen a student’s “math anxiety” interfere

>with an accurate assessment of his/her abilities. Do you assess math anxiety

>in any way? What strategies have you used to reduce it? Any luck with them?



>Which classroom techniques do you recommend for informal, ongoing assessment

>of a student’s progress in learning mathematics?


>In addition to the above questions to stimulate discussion, Myrna has


>these sites for math assessment. Please take a look at these sites and post

>your questions and comments to the Discussion:



> Assessing Mathematical

>Knowledge of Adult Learners: Are We Looking at What Counts? This technical

>report from NCAL was written by Joy Cumming, Iddo Gal, and Lynda Ginsburg in

>1998. It discusses assessment principles and evaluates their implementation


>common numeracy assessment tools.



> The Inclusion of Numeracy in Adult Basic

>Education, Dave Tout and Mary Jane Schmitt, 2002. This chapter from NCSALL’s

>annual review contains a section on assessment that includes a description of

>assessments in adult education from Australia and The Netherlands.



> Will This Be on the Test?

>This article discusses the importance of including significant mathematics on

>tests. It includes a good example of a test item that goes beyond procedural




> This document in an

>overview of NCTM’s assessment principle for K-12 mathematics.


>Large-scale surveys of adult skills:


>Adult Literacy and Lifeskills Survey (ALL)


>Numeracy Framework (begins on p.137):




>First results:



>Data Tool:


>National Assessment of Adult Literacy (NAAL)


>First results:



>Hard Copy Resource:


>Adult Numeracy Development: Theory, Policy and Practice, Iddo Gal, ed., 2000.

>Hampton Press, Inc. This book has a section on numeracy assessment with one

>article discussing assessment issues and principles using examples from the


>and Australia and another article describing the use of “Supermarket Strategy

>materials for diagnosing the skills of individual learners in The




>Thanks everyone, and I’m looking forward to seeing you all next week to chat

>about math assessment!


>Marie Cora


>NIFL Assessment Discussion List

>marie.cora at



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