National Institute for Literacy

[WomenLiteracy 238] Re: Men in WOmens Groups

Andrea Wilder andreawilder at
Sat Mar 25 12:57:28 EST 2006


I think women have many roles, depending on their circumstances--here,
with men or without men. It would be a different dynamic, that's for
sure. Most women live in the presence of men all the time, and, as you
say, the socialization is different.

Here's a quote:

"Traditional marriage shores up the power of men in subtle ways which I
believe few men--even sensitive men of the greatest goodwill towards
women--appreciate. When you are playing tennis and the wind is
blowing from your back, you may not be aware of the wind at all and
think only that you are playing very well. All your shots go in swift
and hard. It isn't until you change courts and the wind is blowing
against you that you appreciate the force of the wind. Power is like
that. You feel it most when it is working against you." p. 268,
"Parallel Lives," Phyllis Rose, 1983, Vintage.

Myself, i find it strengthening to be in an all female group, to know
that i am not crazed, that other women have similar reactions to
events, and that within that similarity I can find other patterns which
I have overlooked previously. I'm thinking of an analogy. Like loving
plants, and being with another person who loves plants, and then this
person also has some more information about them that I can learn.

However, when we are stronger and more self-confident, then we can try
out our new skills in male and female groups.

Here are some tidbits: women have larger tear ducts than men, more
acute hearing, see a wider range of color hues. I figure putting
these facts out on a list serv is a way of saying who we are.


On Mar 25, 2006, at 11:58 AM, Ida wrote:

> I am saddened to hear that some women think that they can be

> themselves in the presence of men. We are socialized to react

> differently in the presence of men. This comes from a very early

> age. I do think that some women can maintain themselves to be

> themselves but it takes work, committment, and this does not come

> easily in the male dominated society.

> Ida


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