National Institute for Literacy

[WomenLiteracy] abortion

mev at mev at
Thu Mar 2 07:26:47 EST 2006

In answer to Daphne's first question, there is a book called "Who Has
the Right?" - see a description at the WE LEARN website:
it had been distributed by Peppercorn and the book represented a jigsaw
activity for both sides of the abortion issue.

Mev Miller
Director, WE LEARN

On Tuesday, February 28, 2006, at 09:33 AM, Daphne Greenberg wrote:

> South Dakota has been in the news lately about a bill that would ban

> most abortions in South Dakota. There are several threads of potential

> discussion for this listserv and I would like to throw out the

> following questions as discussion starters. I am hoping that one of

> these questions will interest someone to respond!

> 1. Does anyone know of websites that can provide adult literacy

> teachers with arguments on both sides of the abortion battle that

> teachers can share with their students?

> 2. I am wondering-is abortion ever included in a health literacy

> curriculum? If not why not? If yes, how it is included?

> 3. Is anyone on this listserv in South Dakota? Are people in adult

> literacy classrooms talking about the bill to ban abortions?

> This is a possible activity that some of you may want to do in your

> adult literacy class to promote critical thinking, debating, writing,

> and research skills:

> Apparently, Fidelis, a national Catholic-based advocacy organization

> is calling this bill, a bill that protects women. Their vice

> president has been quoted as saying that: "The enormous amount of

> information now available on the harm to women brought about by

> legalized abortion is incredible. Study after study has shown that

> abortion is devastating for women."

> This can be shared with students and then they can be asked to:

> 1. Debate/write and defend their views on whether they agree with the

> statement that this bill protects women.

> 2. What do studies say about abortion? Does it bring harm upon women?

> How is research defined?

> Daphne



> Daphne Greenberg

> Assistant Professor

> Educational Psych. & Special Ed.

> Georgia State University

> P.O. Box 3979

> Atlanta, Georgia 30302-3979

> phone: 404-651-0127

> fax:404-651-4901

> dgreenberg at


> Daphne Greenberg

> Associate Director

> Center for the Study of Adult Literacy

> Georgia State University

> P.O. Box 3977

> Atlanta, Georgia 30302-3977

> phone: 404-651-0127

> fax:404-651-4901

> dgreenberg at


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