National Institute for Literacy

[WomenLiteracy] non-reader who wants info on adult ed

Bertha Mo bertiemo at
Mon Jan 16 13:07:16 EST 2006

You didn't say where she was located. Rather than send her on a wild goose chase, I'd go on the internet and "google" some resources that are located in her neighborhood. Universities with Schools of Education, the local United Way, neighborhood libraries are all good resources. When you assemble a goodly number, perhaps your organization might put together a list of resources by neighborhood and put together into a very easy to read list.

I suggest this because internet is not accessible to non-readers...

A tip for all adults...As a lifelong reader, I've enriched my life by reading along with my daugher who is now 14. When she was young, it was Dr. Seuss, then the Underground Railroad and now she is reading the Harry Potter and discussing the Harry Potter series which I raced through. I'm looking forward to reading Narnia together...


Bertie Mo

Cesar Watts <cesarwattsg at> wrote: Dear Friends:

you have any advice for me to share with an adult non-reader(native english speaker) who is interested in obtaining information about basic reading and writing? A woman called me the other day and she is interested in educating herself and supporting her children's emerging literacy skills. I can help her out in relation to children's literacy, but wasn't sure where to send her for adult education information, as she has very low literacy skills.

Cesar Watts
Read Out Loud Hotline Coordinator

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