National Institute for Literacy

[HealthLiteracy] International Health Conference - Early Bird Registration Deadline Today!

Jennifer Staple Jennifer.Staple at
Wed Nov 30 21:26:30 EST 2005

*International Health Conference at Yale University in April 1-2, 2006 -
Early Bird Registration Ends December 1st!
"Empowering Communities to Bridge Health Divides"
When*: April 1-2, 2006
*Where*: Yale University, New Haven, Connecticut
*Theme*: "Empowering Communities to Bridge Health Divides"
*Who should attend?* Anyone interested in medicine, health education,
health promotion, public health, international health, international
service, nonprofits, or eye care
*Conference Goal:* To empower conference attendees to identify health
needs and to develop solutions to improve access to care for the
medically underserved
*How to Register - Early Bird Registration!*
*Early Bird Registration Rate (Until December 1st):* $30 student rate;
$40 for all others

Conference Highlights: A Few of the Scheduled Presentations
Complete schedule can be seen at


Keynote Address: /"Environment, Behavior and Health: Societies Matter"/
Al Sommer, MD, MHS
/"The Challenges of Pediatric AIDS in Africa - A Lesson in Hope and
Humanity"/ Shaffiq Essajee, BMBCh
/"Global Health Governance in a Time of Rapid Change: Opportunities and
Concerns"/ Derek Yach, MBChB, MPH
/"Millenium Development Goals,"/ Josh Ruxin, MPH, PhD
/"Health as a Bridge to Peace," /Paula Gutlove, DMD
/"Medical Diplomacy: Lessons Learned from the U.S.N.S. Mercy/HOPE
Partnership, Banda Aceh and Nias Island, Indonesia,"/ John P. Howe III,
MD <>
/"War Hospital: A True Story of Surgery and Survival,"/ Sheri Fink, MD, PhD
/"Community Approaches to Achieve Global Health Goals,"/Jacob Kumaresan,
/"Women's Health: A Global Overview,"/ Allan Rosenfield, MD
/"Strengthening Community Capacity for Maternal, Newborn and Child
Health,"/ Charles MacCormack
/"Gender Disparities in Blindness and Visual Impairment"/ Ilene Gipson,
PhD <>
/"Update on Vision 2020: the Right to Sight,"/ Louis Pizzarello, MD
/"Glaucoma Screening in a High Risk Population of New Haven,"/ Bruce
Shields, MD
/"Glaucoma Care in West Africa: the Ghana Experience"/ Leon W. Herndon,
MD <>//
/"Infinite Vision - The Story of Dr. V(enkataswamy) and the Aravind Eye
Care System,"/ Pavithra Krishnan
/"Social Entrepreneurship and Presbyopia"/ Jordan Kassalow, OD, MPH

Jennifer Staple
Founder, President & CEO
Unite For Sight

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