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Home > Worker and Public Health Communication > Project Highlights > Public Health Preparedness > Emergency Risk Communication

Worker and Public Health Communication

Project Highlight: Public Health Preparedness

Emergency Risk Communication (ERC)

Client: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, National Immunization Program

The phone can ring at any time alerting personnel of an emergency or crisis event. Accurate, timely, and coordinated communication is needed to inform the public of emergency procedures and potential risks.

Working with CDC and Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (ATSDR), the Oak Ridge Institute for Science and Education (ORISE) has developed ERC CDCynergy: a step-by-step tutorial and performance support tool to help federal, state, and local public health communicators systematically plan, implement, and evaluate emergency communications.

Contained on a single CD-ROM, ERC CDCynergy contains resources, examples, and tools for pre-event planning, preparation, and communication response during and after an event. It also includes video clips from nationally recognized risk communication experts.

For more information

Marcus A. Weseman
Director, Professional & Technical Training

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