National Institute for Literacy

[NIFL-PLI] learner involvement

Kim Chaney kchaney at
Fri Dec 3 17:07:51 EST 2004

Dear Colleagues:

Thank you to all who have contributed to the discussion on learner
involvement in program improvement efforts. It was interesting to read the
postings about the different perspectives on learner involvement, as well
as hear about some very specific experiences that some of you have had.

Please continue to post your comments on this topic as things come to
mind. Also, if you do come across a related resource that may be
appropriate for the LINCS Program Leadership and Improvement Special
Collection, please consider submitting the title for possible
review. Simply go to web site [], click on
"Materials Selection" in the right-hand menu bar, then click the "Submit
Materials" button.

In the meantime, keep an eye out on the discussion list the week of
December 6 as we try to tackle the *broad* question of "What is Program
Leadership and Improvement in Adult Education?" "What areas does it
include - or not include - for purposes of research and discussion?" It
will be good to hear your thoughts on this.

Best regards,

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