National Institute for Literacy

[NIFL-PLI] GED Professional Development Materials

Ira Yankwitt iray at
Thu Nov 11 16:50:39 EST 2004

Dear Colleagues:

Two years ago, the Literacy Assistance Center held a five-day GED
instructional planning institute, designed primarily for GED instructors
who work with older adolescents. Among the topics we addressed were:
* pedagogy and andragogy
* SCANS Skills
* critical thinking and the GED
* interdisciplinary/theme-based instruction
* project-based learning
* multiple intelligence theory
* collaborative and cooperative learning
* instructional planning
* peer review

We have a limited number of bound copies of the institute that include all
of the handouts, materials, and readings that we used. We are happy to
send a copy to any professional developer/practitioner who is interested.
To receive your binder, please email or call Reion Evans at
reione at, or 212-803-3344. To review the institute online, go to

Ira Yankwitt, Director
Professional Development /
NYC Regional Adult Education Network
Literacy Assistance Center
32 Broadway, 10th Floor
NY, NY 10004
(212) 803-3356
iray at

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