National Institute for Literacy

[NIFL-PLI] Finding Special Projects (Spacone, Ronna) : AMERICAN HISPANIC SCHOOL

principal at principal at
Tue Aug 24 19:00:43 EDT 2004

Hi, everybody:

Anybody in the Adult Education area knows, enjoys, uses and loves NIFL
concepts and materials. I am 1 of your fans.

I direct in California an Independent Adult High School - THE AMERICAN
HISPANIC SCHOOL - delivering the Adult High School, Secondary Diploma an
instructional program categorized by NCES (53.0105)for the completion
of and graduation from a secondary school program of academic subject
matter offered for adult learners outside of the regular secondary

We accept students with at least 8th. Grade, assess them to identify
their academic level after their studies and living experiences and
skills before entering the program with 180 minutes weekly classes( in
English or Spanish) trough one semester in length.

As an strategy to complement this class time, Adult Student develop an
Independent Study contract and do their weekly assignments handwritten
which allow the School and Students to have evidence of their work and

Before graduating, Adult Student present a Graduation Project as a
culmination of their research, reading, comprehension, writing, spelling
and speech experience.

AMERICAN HISPANIC SCHOOL is a Non-profit Corporation in California:
doesn't receive public fund: Adult Student pay their own Tuition and

We see this program as an effort from non-public educators to complement
the public school system.

We believe that Education is one basic Human Right that has been denied
to millions of Adult students who never finished their High School or
who did it in their country or in the United States but never got the
High School Diploma.

But WE, EVERYBODY IN ADULT EDUCATION KNOW, there is no support or even
regulation from the Sates Departments of Education for this kind of
service: a Private High School accepting only ADULT High School
students in a program below the postsecondary level.

WE will appreciate your feedback.
13552 Golden West St.
Westminster, CA. / info at

-----Original Message-----
From: nifl-pli-bounces at [mailto:nifl-pli-bounces at] On
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Sent: Tuesday, August 24, 2004 9:01 AM
To: nifl-pli at
Subject: NIFL-PLI Digest, Vol 19, Issue 1

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Hi, everybody:
Everybody in the Adult Education area, knows, uses, understands and
loves NIFL

Today's Topics:



Message: 1
Date: Mon, 23 Aug 2004 15:46:34 -0400
From: "Spacone, Ronna" <Ronna.Spacone at>
Subject: [NIFL-PLI] Seeking Special Projects
To: <nifl-pli at>
<0C05326017A779439EB52BFBCEA008DE02F12EDE at>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"

The other day, I remembered something a former colleague told me,
shortly after I began working in the field of adult education and
literacy: "One of the best ways for any program manager to
promote/facilitate the process of education reform and improvement on
the local level is to have your program participate in special state and
national projects." That's why her region's program was always (and
still is) applying to be in special projects. Although I didn't know it
then, now I think her appraisal is accurate. Does this match your

Are any NIFL-PLI subscribers working with a special project designed to
advance some reform or improvement (teacher, program, curriculum,
instruction, etc.) that you could share here? Or have you applied to be
part of one? Could you share some information about it here? Thanks. And
what do you expect/hope to happen as a result of your
program/region/state's participation?

Are any PLI subscribers participating in Project STAR or the Adult
Education State Content Standards Consortia, both of which are being
supported by the Department of Education, Office of Vocational and Adult
Education, through its National Leadership Activities program. Project
STAR is a reading improvement initiative that's supporting six pilot
states committed to improving reading instruction for intermediate-level
adults (CA, IL, OH, CN, SD and ME). The Adult Education State Content
Standards Consortia Project is supporting 15 states' participation in
two consortia for the development and alignment of ABE/ASE and ESL
standards (GA, ID, IN, KY, LA, MI, WY, FLA, IL, MA, MO, PA, TX, VA, and
WA). Both of these projects are just getting underway.

I am looking forward to our sharing information, excitement, questions,
and concerns on this discussion list as everyone's program improvement
efforts progress.


Ronna Spacone
Education Program Specialist
U.S. Department of Education
Office of Vocational and Adult Education
Division of Adult Education and Literacy
(202) 245-7755


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