[NIFL-4EFF:2152] Re: Self-Assessment w/EFF

From: Jane Meyer (meyer_j@ccsdistrict.org)
Date: Thu May 09 2002 - 12:43:01 EDT

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Dawn Norris wrote about transfer of skills from one role to another and asked how this helped welfare - to - work students.  In our family literacy welfare - to - work class we sometimes find that the moms have no experience with working outside the
home, so we teach them the skill in the context of the family role where they are familiar and more comfortable and then transfer application to the worker role.  Or, if a mother is set in using a skill in ways that aren't producing positive results
within her family role and can't see beyond, we teach the skill in a new context (worker or citizen role) and then transfer new learning and success back to the family role.  I think this has been one of the biggest benefits to using EFF.
Jane Meyer
Canton, Ohio ABLE

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