Fermilab TodayMonday, March 7, 2005  
Monday, March 7
2:30 p.m. Particle Astrophysics Seminar - Curia II
Speaker: M. Zaldarriaga, Harvard University
Title: 21 cm Fluctuations: A New Window for Cosmology
3:30 p.m. DIRECTOR'S COFFEE BREAK - 2nd Flr X-Over
4:00 p.m. All Experimenters' Meeting - Curia II
Special Topic: Computer Security

Tuesday, March 8
3:30 p.m. DIRECTOR'S COFFEE BREAK - 2nd Flr X-Over

Weather Chance Snow 44º/15º

Extended Forecast

Weather at Fermilab


Secon Level 3

Monday, March 7
Chicken & Mushroom Cheese Steak $4.75
Baked Chicken Enchiladas $3.75
Pasta Primavera $3.75
Smoked Turkey Panini Pesto Mayo $4.75
Assorted Slice Pizza $2.75
Pacific Rim Rice Bowl $4.75

The Wilson Hall Cafe now accepts Visa, Master Card, Discover and American Express at Cash Register #1.

Wilson Hall Cafe Menu
Chez Leon will reopen starting Wednesday, March 2. Call x4512 to make your reservation.

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Hastert, Orbach, Oberstar Bless NuMI/MINOS Startup
MINOS Dedication
House Speaker Dennis Hastert gets ready to hit the button to send neutrinos to the far detector in Minnesota. (Click on image for larger version.)
House Speaker Dennis Hastert gave a deft description of the MINOS experiment, assured his House of Representatives colleague James Oberstar that the neutrino beam would not affect the walleye season in Minnesota, and then was ready for the next challenge of the NuMI/MINOS dedication. "It's an honor to join you," Rep. Hastert told the Ramsey Auditorium audience. "And now I think we have a date with the future, and with destiny."

Rep. Hastert tapped a computer keyboard, and the NuMI beam profile flashed onto the first screen above the stage. Rep. Oberstar and DOE Office of Science Director Raymond Orbach together tapped another key, and maps on the second screen showed the beam path from the lab to the far detector in the Soudan Underground Laboratory. Fermilab Director Michael Witherell declared: "MINOS has started."

The ovation that followed set the stage for a poignant perspective from the final speaker of the NuMI/MINOS dedication ceremony on Friday afternoon. Stan Wojcicki of Stanford University read the comments of his experiment co-spokesperson, Doug Michael of CalTech, who had planned to attend but remained in Los Angeles to undergo chemo-therapy treatment for recently-diagnosed multiple non-Hodgkins lymphoma.

Through Wojcicki, Michael thanked "the American people for funding our research." He added that as he has experienced his recent diagnosis and treatment: "I marvel at the technology available in 21st-century medical care, technology first developed in our field of high-energy physics, or developed by people trained in high-energy physics."

The dedication ceremony, followed by a lab-wide party in the Atrium, capped a development process for the neutrino experiment extending back to 1995. NuMI/MINOS will send neutrinos 450 miles through the earth from the lab to the 6,000-ton detector located a half-mile underground in the Soudan Underground Laboratory. Rep. Oberstar's father was a miner who worked in the Soudan mine, and the congressman drew a parallel between mining iron ore and mining scientific ore in the disrtrict he represents in Congress.

"The miners extracted nature's hidden treasures from the oldest matter on earth," Oberstar said. "Now scientists will wrest from that same rock the oldest matter in the universe, dating back to the big bang. It's a fascinating contrast."

Addressing the larger picture of the future of research, Hastert emphasized that "to remain near the top, we must continue to look at the next step, at new discoveries and new information." Orbach directly addressed the issue of Fermilab's future: "This is the best high-energy physics lab in the world. The Office of Science and your government intend to keep it that way."

And in remarks to an informal gathering of the media following the ceremony, Hastert directly addressed the issue of the Linear Collider: "If we can afford it, we'll do it."

- Mike Perricone

Barnstormers Soar with Delta Dart Contest this Wednesday
Delta Dart
Participants at last year's Delta Dart Contest. (Click on image for larger version.)
Come out and test your model airplane building and flying skills! The Fermilab Barnstormers radio controlled model aircraft club will hold their annual Delta Dart Indoor Model Airplane Contest this Wednesday, March 9, at the Village Barn.

The doors open at 5:30 p.m., and the contest will start at approximately 7:00pm. It takes about 45 minutes to build the wood and paper Delta Dart. All pieces are precut and color-coded. A twisted rubber band acts as the power source for this flying spectacle. All materials are provided by the Fermilab Barnstormers free of charge to those under 12 years old, and $1 for those over 12. The contest is divided into two age groups, and the longest flight gets first pick of a wide assortment of prizes. Plan to arrive at 5:30 p.m. to build your "world-beater" model.

The Barnstormers will be on hand to lend expert building and flying assistance. "Expect to have a good time and get a taste of the model airplane world that Fermilab has to offer," said Jim Zagel of the Accelerator Division and president of the Fermilab Barnstormers.

So what make a good Delta Dart? "In some cases luck," Zagel said. "If you follow the instructions, use an appropriate amount of glue, and have a little luck, your airplane will fly great."

- Eric Bland

Safety Tip
Personal Protective Equipment
Controlling a hazard at its source should always be the preferred approach. When this is not possible, Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) can be a good option. However, the PPE must be matched to the hazard. A good system for matching hazards and controls is the Hazard Analysis (HA) chapter in our ES&H manual. In fact, many detailed PPE
Safety Tip
requirements can be found in HAs. If additional information is needed, check out the PPE chapter. Other sources include your supervisor, your division/section ES&H organization, hazard-specific ES&H manual chapters and material safety data sheets.

When using PPE, make sure that it is properly worn. Foam ear plugs, for example, are troublesome to insert. These should be rolled thin. Pull your ear outward/upward and insert the plug. Hold in place until expanded. Untimely removal of PPE is another problem to keep in mind. Workers have received eye injuries from premature removal of their safety eyewear. In such cases their immediate work is typically complete and the injury stems from a secondary unexpected source.

Just because you are using HA-specified PPE does not mean you can ignore your surroundings. If conditions change, so can PPE requirements. A fall-protection lanyard that is effective at 100 ft is probably too long for work at 6 ft. Sometimes combined use of more than one type of PPE can cause a problem. If you have worn safety glasses and ear muffs, you know that the hearing protection seal can be easily compromised. Finally, you should not modify PPE since its protective value is tied to its integrity.

Have a great day and let's work safely all week!
Safety Tip of the Week Archive

Accelerator Update
March 2- March 4
- During this 48 hour period operations established one store, which provided the experiments with approximately 13 hours at 11 minutes of luminosity.
- Vacuum leak repaired in TeV
- TeV suffered quench in shot setup

Read the Current Accelerator Update
Read the Early Bird Report
View the Tevatron Luminosity Charts

In the News
From the Chicago Sun-Times, March 6, 2005
Fermilab beams neutrinos to Minnesota in major experiment
by Dan Rozek
With the click of a key on a laptop computer, a stream of the tiniest, most mysterious subatomic particles ever discovered flew from a 350-foot-deep tunnel at the Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory near Batavia and slammed into a 6,000-ton stack of steel and plastic plates buried in a Minnesota iron mine.

The neutrinos made the underground, 450-mile journey in about 2.5 milliseconds. But the five-year experiment could yield cataclysmic results, including offering a glimpse of how the universe was born and reshaping our understanding of how it works, scientists said Friday as they formally launched the $170 million research project.
read more

Upcoming Classes
March 15 - Access 2000 Intro
March 16 - Excel 2000 Intro
March 22 - Access 2000 Intermediate
March 23 - Excel 2000 Intermediate
March 29 & 30 - Behavioral Interviewing (two consecutive half-days)
April 5 - Access 2000 Advanced
more information

Fermilab Childrens Summer Day Camp
ermilab Childrens Summer Day Camp The Fermilab Summer Day Camp consists of Fermilab children ages 7 through 12. Day Camp is offered in three, three-week sessions: Session I: June 13 - July 1, Session II: July 5- July 22, Session III: July 25 - August 12. The program is held in the lower level of the Kuhn Barn in the village from 7:30 AM - 5:30 PM. Admission is made through a lottery held on the last weekday in March. You can choose any or all of the sessions. The fee for each Day Camp session is $265.00 per camper. A $100.00 deposit per session per camper must accompany the registration form. Registrations will be accepted beginning March 1 until 5:00 PM on March 30. Admission is made through a lottery held on the last weekday in March. An information Booklet and registration form can be found on the Recreation Website , Recreation Office, Users Office and the Housing Office.

Upcoming Activities

Fermilab Today