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managed for the U.S. Department of Energy
by Brookhaven Science Associates, a company
founded by Stony Brook University and Battelle

News Release

Number: 03-10
Released: January 30, 2003
Contact:  Mona S. Rowe, 631 344-5056 or Pete Genzer, 631 344-3174

Dr. Praveen Chaudhari Named Director
Of Brookhaven National Laboratory

Brookhaven Science Associates announced today the selection of Dr. Praveen Chaudhari as Director of the U.S. Department of Energy’s Brookhaven National Laboratory.

Dr. Chaudhari, who will begin his new duties on April 1, joins Brookhaven Lab after 36 years of distinguished service at IBM as a scientist and senior manager of research.

“Dr. Chaudhari was the unanimous choice of Brookhaven Science Associates Board of Directors, which includes representatives from Battelle, Stony Brook University, and six partner universities,” said Dr. Shirley Strum Kenny, Chair of Brookhaven Science Associates Board of Directors and President of Stony Brook, and Dr. Carl Kohrt, Vice Chair of the Brookhaven Science Associates Board of Directors and President and CEO of Battelle, in a joint statement. “The BSA board is convinced that Dr. Chaudhari will continue to emphasize the Laboratory’s commitment to simultaneous excellence in science, laboratory operations, and community service.”

“We are delighted to have Dr. Chaudhari – a top-flight scientist, leader, and research manager – as the new Director at Brookhaven Lab,” said Dr. Raymond L. Orbach, director of DOE’s Office of Science. “His scientific leadership and international breadth of experience will shape the Laboratory’s future. This is a great choice for Brookhaven Lab, the local community, and the nation.”

Dr. Chaudhari has published more than 160 research articles and has 22 patents. During his IBM career, he served as Vice President of Science, Director of Physical Science, and Research Staff Member. He has been responsible for major laboratory operations in New York, California, and Switzerland. Dr. Chaudhari earned his doctorate at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) in Physical Metallurgy and is a recipient of the National Medal of Technology.

During his career, Dr. Chaudhari has led research teams in such areas as nanoscience and superconductivity.

“I am very pleased to join Brookhaven Lab – one of the world’s foremost scientific organizations and home of five Nobel prizes,” said Dr. Chaudhari. “I look forward to working with the outstanding Brookhaven Lab staff to advance the frontiers of science, effectively operate a diverse laboratory, and serve the needs of the scientific, local, and national community.”

The DOE’s Office of Science is the steward of 10 laboratories in the national laboratory system, including Brookhaven Lab. Brookhaven Science Associates, formed by Battelle and Stony Brook, operates Brookhaven Lab for DOE.

Brookhaven Lab employs more than 2,800 scientists, engineers, technicians, and support staff and has an annual budget of $463 million. Major programs include nuclear and high-energy physics, physics and chemistry of materials, environmental and energy research, nonproliferation, neurosciences and medical imaging, and structural biology.

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