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State of Hawai`i Governor's Update for the Week of July 19-25, 2008

Hawai`i at Forefront
of International Clean
Energy Talks

At the invitation of the U.S. Department of Energy, Governor Lingle participated in a one-day conference in Nassau followed by a training workshop in Colorado aimed at strengthening our state's role as a global leader in alternative energy. "The Department of Energy believes this is an important initiative, as do we, because island nations and territory states have many commonalities when it comes to breaking our dependence on foreign oil," said Governor Lingle.

 More Top Stories This Week
First African-American Female Combat Pilot to Address Women's Leadership Conference  

Administration Maintains Focus on Infrastructure Improvements


Governor Welcomes Nation's Budget Officers to Hawai`i


Veterans Thank Governor for Support

 In the News


 Department in Action

 Mahalo for Your Sacrifice 

 Making a Difference

State Returns $6M in Unclaimed Property

The Department of Budget & Finance returned a record $5,937,936 in unclaimed property to their rightful owners in FY08 thanks to an increased outreach effort to reunite the funds with their owners or heirs.

Honoring Army
1st Lt. Jonathan Brostrom 

Governor Lingle ordered flags to be lowered throughout Hawai`i in honor of Army 1st Lt. Jonathan Brostrom of `Aiea who was killed on July 13, along with eight other U.S. soldiers in an attack by the Taliban in Afghanistan.

Native Hawaiian Families Move into New Homes

In Kekaha, Kaua`i, 19 native Hawaiian families moved into new homes this week as they celebrated the completion of a project they helped to build through an innovative program led by the state Department of Hawaiian Home Lands.


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 Quote of the Week 

"We're off to a good start, but we need to make bigger strides as we go forward. We're going to talk with experts from around the country on the regulatory framework - what's working in other places that have large amounts of renewable energy."

Governor Lingle, highlighting the critical need for increased energy independence.

Read more quotes and thoughts 

 Weekly Radio Address

"Many of Hawai`i's students walk or bike to and from school, which reminds us of the importance of pedestrian safety. Whether walking, driving or bicycling, it is important that we all do our part to watch out for pedestrians and cyclists, especially in school zones and near playgrounds."

Read and listen to the Governor's Weekly Radio Address, presented this week by Lt. Governor James R. "Duke" Aiona, Jr.: Back to School

 Upcoming Events

July 28, Governor Lingle will announce this month's recipients of the Governor's Innovation Awards.


View the Governor's public schedule: July 28 - August 2, 2008



 Contact the Governor's Office

email: governor.lingle@hawaii.gov