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State of Hawai`i Governor's Update for the Week of July 26 - August 1, 2008

White House Executive
Chef Heats Up Women's
Leadership Conference

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for exclusive opportunity!

This week, Cristeta Comerford, the first female White House Executive Chef, joined an impressive line up of speakers for the fifth annual International Women's Leadership Conference. As the head of a kitchen unlike any other, Comerford is responsible for state dinners, casual meals in the East Wing and menus that are as diverse and multi-cultural as her training.

 More Top Stories This Week
Innovation Awards Celebrate Ingenuity  

Hawai`i Improves as Good Place to Do Business


New Agriculture Alternative Energy Loans Available


State Implements
4-Day Work Week Pilot Project

 In the News


 Department in Action

 Mahalo for Your Service 

 Pic of the Week

Tax Director Kawafuchi
Earns National Recognition

Director Kawafuchi was honored as the Outstanding CPA in Government by the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants for his work to streamline department operations, increasing both efficiency and performance.

Multinational Naval
Exercise Concludes 

Highlighting Hawai`i's strategic location at the "Crossroads of the Pacific," Governor Lingle joined military leaders from the U.S. and nine nations around the world to celebrate the successful conclusion of RIMPAC.

Robotics Students' Opportunities are Sky High

Members of Hawai`i's Air National Guard welcomed student robotics participants from `Iolani, Waiakea, Hilo and McKinley High Schools to Hickam Air Force Base, where they showcased future career opportunities.


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 Thought of the Week 

"We can really be a test bed for [clean energy] industries and will provide a huge surge of jobs, clean energy jobs, attractive jobs, engineering, high tech, innovation jobs and that's really where [our] economy should be."

Jeff Mikulina, director, Sierra Club - Hawai`i Chapter, sharing his focus on the pursuit of clean and renewable energy.

Read more quotes and thoughts 

 Weekly Radio Address

"I recently returned from important conferences focused on increasing Hawai`i's energy independence... [where leaders focused] on our united goal of transforming Hawai`i to renewable, indigenous sources of energy."

Read and listen to the Governor's Weekly Radio Address: Hawai`i is a Global Leader in Energy Independence

 Upcoming Events

August 8, Governor Lingle and the Hawai`i State Foundation on Culture and the Arts will present awards for distinguished achievement in culture, arts and humanities.


View the Governor's public schedule: August 4-9, 2008



 Contact the Governor's Office

email: governor.lingle@hawaii.gov