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Planning and Development

The Planning and Development Office coordinates institutional activities that advance the programs, goals, and mission of Berkeley Lab. The Office provides support to the Director and Deputy Directors and the scientific and resource divisions, through the preparation of plans, analysis, and communications materials for the Laboratory. The Office prepares broad Laboratory overviews and summaries, including Berkeley Lab's submission for the Department of Energy Laboratory Business Plans (Berkeley Lab section only - pdf). It administers the Laboratory-Directed Research and Development (LDRD), Contractor Supporting Research (CSR), and Strategic Planning Support Activities (SPSA) programs. The Office represents the Laboratory's activities to external audiences and the Department of Energy and University of California Office of the President, including preparation of the self assessment of Laboratory management consistent with the UC Management Contract. The Director of Planning and Development Office is Mike Chartock.

Inquiries on LDRD, CSR, and SPSA can be directed to Todd Hansen.

Technical coordination, document preparation, and web sites for the Planning and Development Office are administered by Karin Levy.