ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software

Bibliographic record for `vandenBerg:2008:AST:'

  author =       "Ewout van den Berg and Michael P. Friedlander and Gilles Hennenfent and Felix J. Herrmann and Rayan Saab and
                 \"O}zg{\"u}r Yilmaz",
  title =        "Algorithm 890: {Sparco}: A Testing Framework for Sparse Reconstruction",
  journal =      "{ACM} Transactions on Mathematical Software",
  volume =       "35",
  number =       "4",
  accepted =     "10 June 2008",
  upcoming =     "true",
  abstract =     "Sparco is a framework for testing and benchmarking algorithms for sparse reconstruction. It includes a large collection 
                 of sparse reconstruction problems drawn from the imaging, compressed sensing, and geophysics literature.  Sparco is also 
                 a framework for implementing new test problems and can be used as a tool for reproducible research.  Sparco is 
                 implemented entirely in Matlab, and is released as open-source software under the GNU Public License.",

The bibliography is provided courtesy of the BibNet Project.