ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software

Bibliographic record for `Reid:2008:AFV'

  author =       "John K. Reid and Jennifer A. Scott",
  title =        "Algorithm xxx: a {Fortran} Virtual Memory System",
  journal =      "{ACM} Transactions on Mathematical Software",
  accepted =     "20 August 2008",
  upcoming =     "true",
  abstract =     "{\tt Fortran\_Virtual\_Memory} is a Fortran 95 package that provides facilities for reading from and writing to 
                 direct-access files. A buffer is used to avoid actual input/output operations whenever possible. The data may be 
                 spread over many files and for very large data sets these may be held on more than one device. We describe the 
                 design of {\tt Fortran\_Virtual\_Memory} and comment on its use within an out-of-core sparse direct solver.",

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