ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software

Bibliographic record for `Eijkhout:2008:SSN'

  author =       "Victor Eijkhout and Erika Fuentes",
  title =        "A Standard and Software for Numerical Metadata",
  journal =      "{ACM} Transactions on Mathematical Software",
  volume =       "35",
  number =       "4",
  accepted =     "29 May 2008",
  upcoming =     "true",
  abstract =     "We propose a standard for generating, manipulating, and storing metadata describing numerical problems, in particular 
                 properties of matrices and linear systems. The standard comprises
                 \item an API for metadata generating and querying software, and
                 \item an XML format for permanent storage of metadata.
                 The API is open-ended, allowing for other parties to define additional metadata categories to be generated and stored 
                 within this framework.
                 Furthermore, we present two software libraries, NMD and AnaMod, that implement this standard, and that contain a number 
                 of computational modules for numerical metadata.  The libraries, more than simply illustrating the use of the standard, 
                 provide considerable utility to numerical researchers.",

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