ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software

Table of Contents, Volume 7

Links labeled Abstract below provide access to article pages in the ACM Digital Library containing abstracts, subject indicators, references, reviews, and access to the full text. The BibTeX entry following each title are those found in the TOMS BibTeX bibliography

1981 · Volume 7[ Number 1 ] [ Number 2 ] [ Number 3 ] [ Number 4 ]
March 1981 · Volume 7 · Number 1
K. L. Hiebert1 An Evaluation of Mathematical Software that Solves Nonlinear Least Squares Problems.
Abstract; BibTeX entry
Jorge J. Moré
Burton S. Garbow
Kenneth E. Hillstrom
17 Testing Unconstrained Optimization Software.
Abstract; BibTeX entry
Selim G. Akl42 A Comparison of Combination Generation Methods.
Abstract; BibTeX entry
F. N. Fritsch
D. K. Kahaner
J. N. Lyness
46 Double Integration Using One-Dimensional Adaptive Quadrature Routines: A Software Interface Problem.
Abstract; BibTeX entry; See also [Fritsch:1981:CIU].
Jerome H. Friedman
Margaret H. Wright
76 A Nested Partitioning Procedure for Numerical Multiple Integration.
Abstract; BibTeX entry
J. M. Smith
F. W. J. Olver
D. W. Lozier
93 Extended-Range Arithmetic and Normalized Legendre Polynomials.
Abstract; BibTeX entry
David K. Melgaard
Richard F. Sincovec
106 General Software for Two-Dimensional Nonlinear Partial Differential Equations.
Abstract; BibTeX entry
David K. Melgaard
Richard F. Sincovec
126 Algorithm 565: PDETWO/ PSETM/ GEARB: Solution of Systems of Two-Dimensional Nonlinear Partial Differential Equations [D3].
Abstract; BibTeX entry
Download algorithm 565 from Tennessee, New Jersey, Norway, England, Korea.
J. J. Moré
B. S. Garbow
K. E. Hillstrom
136 Algorithm 566: FORTRAN Subroutines for Testing Unconstrained Optimization Software [C5 [E4]].
Abstract; BibTeX entry; See also [Averbukh:1994:RA].
Download algorithm 566 from Tennessee, New Jersey, Norway, England, Korea.
D. W. Lozier
J. M. Smith
141 Algorithm 567: Extended-Range Arithmetic and Normalized Legendre Polynomials [A1], [C1].
Abstract; BibTeX entry
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June 1981 · Volume 7 · Number 2
Gene H. Golub
Franklin T. Luk
Michael L. Overton
149 A Block Lánczos Method for Computing the Singular Values of Corresponding Singular Vectors of a Matrix.
Abstract; BibTeX entry
H. H. Wang170 A Parallel Method for Tridiagonal Equations.
Abstract; BibTeX entry
William J. Stewart
Alan Jennings
184 A Simultaneous Iteration Algorithm for Real Matrices.
Abstract; BibTeX entry
Geoffrey W. Hill199 Evaluation and Inversion of the Ratios of Modified Bessel Functions, I1(x)/I0(x) and I1.5(x)/I0.5(x).
Abstract; BibTeX entry
U. Ascher
J. Christiansen
R. D. Russell
209 Collocation Software for Boundary Value ODE's.
Abstract; BibTeX entry
U. Ascher
J. Christiansen
R. D. Russell
223 Algorithm 569: COLSYS: Collocation Software for Boundary-Value ODEs [D2].
Abstract; BibTeX entry; See also [Hake:1986:RCC].
Download algorithm 569 from Tennessee, New Jersey, Norway, England, Korea.
William J. Stewart
Alan Jennings
230 Algorithm 570: LOPSI: A Simultaneous Iteration Method for Real Matrices [F2].
Abstract; BibTeX entry
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Geoffrey W. Hill233 Algorithm 571: Statistics for von Mises' and Fisher's Distributions of Directions: I1(x)/I0(x), I1.5(x)/I0.5(x) and Their Inverses [S14].
Abstract; BibTeX entry
Download algorithm 571 from Tennessee, New Jersey, Norway, England, Korea.
Dianne P. O'Leary
Olof Widlund
239 Algorithm 572: Solution of the Helmholtz Equation for the Dirichlet Problem on General Bounded Three-Dimensional Regions [D3].
Abstract; BibTeX entry
Download algorithm 572 from Tennessee, New Jersey, Norway, England, Korea.
G. W. Hill247 Remark on ``Algorithm 395: Student's t-Distribution''.
Abstract; BibTeX entry; See [Hill:1970:SD,Hill:1970:SQ,elLozy:1979:RAS].
G. W. Hill250 Remark on ``Algorithm 396: Student's t-Quantiles''.
Abstract; BibTeX entry; See [Hill:1970:SQ].
F. N. Fritsch252 Corrigendum: ``Double Integration Using One-Dimensional Adaptive Quadrature Routines: A Software Interface Problem''.
Abstract; BibTeX entry; See [Fritsch:1981:DIU].
September 1981 · Volume 7 · Number 3
Esko Ukkonen259 On the Calculation of the Effects of Roundoff Errors.
Abstract; BibTeX entry
Seppo Linnainmaa272 Software for Doubled-Precision Floating-Point Computations.
Abstract; BibTeX entry
K. S. Lii
K. N. Helland
284 Cross-Bispectrum Computation and Variance Estimation.
Abstract; BibTeX entry
P. M. Dew
J. E. Walsh
295 A Set of Library Routines for Solving Parabolic Equations in One Space Variable.
Abstract; BibTeX entry
I. S. Duff315 On Algorithms for Obtaining a Maximum Transversal.
Abstract; BibTeX entry
David F. McAllister
John A. Roulier
331 An Algorithm for Computing a Shape-Preserving Osculatory Quadratic Spline.
Abstract; BibTeX entry
John E. Dennis, Jr.
David M. Gay
Roy E. Welsch
348 An Adaptive Nonlinear Least-squares Algorithm.
Abstract; BibTeX entry
John E. Dennis, Jr.
David M. Gay
Roy E. Welsch
369 Algorithm 573: NL2SOL-- An Adaptive Nonlinear Least-Squares Algorithm [E4].
Abstract; BibTeX entry; See also [Gay:1983:RNE].
Download algorithm 573 from Tennessee, New Jersey, Norway, England, Korea.
D. F. McAllister
J. A. Roulier
384 Algorithm 574: Shape-Preserving Osculatory Quadratic Splines [E1, E2].
Abstract; BibTeX entry
Download algorithm 574 from Tennessee, New Jersey, Norway, England, Korea.
I. S. Duff387 Algorithm 575: Permutations for a Zero-Free Diagonal [F1].
Abstract; BibTeX entry
Download algorithm 575 from Tennessee, New Jersey, Norway, England, Korea.
I. Barrodale
G. F. Stuart
391 Algorithm 576: A FORTRAN Program for Solving Ax = b [F4].
Abstract; BibTeX entry
Download algorithm 576 from Tennessee, New Jersey, Norway, England, Korea.
B. C. Carlson
Elaine M. Notis
398 Algorithm 577: Algorithms for Incomplete Elliptic Integrals [S21].
Abstract; BibTeX entry
Download algorithm 577 from Tennessee, New Jersey, Norway, England, Korea.
M. Razaz
J. L. Schonfelder
404 Remark on ``Algorithm 498: Airy Functions Using Chebyshev Series Approximations''.
Abstract; BibTeX entry; See [Prince:1975:AAF].
December 1981 · Volume 7 · Number 4
Lawrence F. Shampine409 Evaluation of a Test Set for Stiff ODE Solvers.
Abstract; BibTeX entry
Kenneth W. Neves421 Control of Interpolatory Error in Retarded Differential Equations.
Abstract; BibTeX entry
W. S. Brown445 A Simple but Realistic Model of Floating-Point Computation.
Abstract; BibTeX entry
Roy E. Marsten481 The Design of the XMP Linear Programming Library.
Abstract; BibTeX entry
Stefano Pallottino
Tommaso Toffoli
498 An Efficient Algorithm for Determining the Length of the Longest Dead Path in a ``LIFO'' Branch-and-Bound Exploration Schema.
Abstract; BibTeX entry
I. S. Duff505 ME28: A Sparse Unsymmetric Linear Equation Solver for Complex Equations.
Abstract; BibTeX entry
Bengt Fornberg512 Numerical Differentiation of Analytic Functions.
Abstract; BibTeX entry
J. J. Du Croz
S. M. Nugent
J. K. Reid
D. B. Taylor
527 Solving Large Full Sets of Linear Equations in a Paged Virtual Store.
Abstract; BibTeX entry
J. J. Du Croz
S. M. Nugent
J. K. Reid
D. B. Taylor
537 Algorithm 578: Solution of Real Linear Equations in a Paged Virtual Store [F4].
Abstract; BibTeX entry
Download algorithm 578 from Tennessee, New Jersey, Norway, England, Korea.
B. Fornberg542 Algorithm 579: CPSC: Complex Power Series Coefficients [D4].
Abstract; BibTeX entry
Download algorithm 579 from Tennessee, New Jersey, Norway, England, Korea.
A. Buckley548 Algorithm 580: QRUP: A Set of FORTRAN Routines for Updating QR Factorizations [F5].
Abstract; BibTeX entry; See also [Buckley:1982:RQS].
Download algorithm 580 from Tennessee, New Jersey, Norway, England, Korea.

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